
Nuklear immediate mode GUI for raylib

Primary LanguageCzlib LicenseZlib


Use the Nuklear immediate mode cross-platform GUI library in raylib.

raylib-nuklear-example Screenshot


  1. Since this is a header-only library, you must first define RAYLIB_NUKLEAR_IMPLEMENTATION in one of your .c files...
  2. Include the raylib-nuklear.h file...
    #include "path/to/raylib-nuklear.h"
  3. Use InitNuklear(fontSize) or InitNuklearEx(font, fontSize) to create the nuklear context...
    struct nk_context *ctx = InitNuklear(10);
  4. Build your Nuklear GUI through the standard Nuklear API
  5. Update the input for the GUI using UpdateNuklear(ctx)
  6. Render the context using DrawNuklear(ctx)
  7. Destroy the nuklear context with UnloadNuklear(ctx)


#include "raylib-nuklear.h"

int main() {
    InitWindow(640, 480, "raylib-nuklear example");

    // Create the Nuklear Context
    int fontSize = 10;
    struct nk_context *ctx = InitNuklear(fontSize);

    while (!WindowShouldClose()) {
        // Update the Nuklear context, along with input

        // Nuklear GUI Code
        // https://github.com/Immediate-Mode-UI/Nuklear/wiki/Window
        if (nk_begin(ctx, "Nuklear", nk_rect(100, 100, 220, 220),
            if (nk_button_label(ctx, "Button")) {
                // Button was clicked!

        // Render

            // Render the Nuklear GUI


    // De-initialize the Nuklear GUI

    return 0;


struct nk_context* InitNuklear(int fontSize);                 // Initialize the Nuklear context
struct nk_context* InitNuklearEx(Font font, float fontSize);  // Initialize the Nuklear context, with a custom font
void UpdateNuklear(struct nk_context * ctx);                  // Update the input state and internal components
void DrawNuklear(struct nk_context * ctx);                    // Render the Nuklear GUI on the screen
void UnloadNuklear(struct nk_context * ctx);                  // Unload the GUI
nk_color ColorToNuklear(Color color);                         // Converts raylib Color to nk_color
nk_colorf ColorToNuklearF(Color color);                       // Converts raylib Color to nk_colorf
Color ColorFromNuklear(struct nk_color color);                // Converts nk_color to raylib Color
Color ColorFromNuklearF(struct nk_colorf color);              // Converts nk_colorf to raylib Color
Rectangle RectangleFromNuklear(struct nk_rect rect);          // Converts nk_rect to raylib Rectangle
nk_rect RectangleToNuklear(Rectangle rect);                   // Converts raylib Rectangle to nk_rect
struct nk_image TextureToNuklear(Texture tex);                // Convert a raylib Texture to A Nuklear image.
Texture TextureFromNuklear(struct nk_image img);              // Convert a Nuklear image to a raylib Texture
struct nk_image LoadNuklearImage(const char* path);           // Load a Nuklear image.
void UnloadNuklearImage(struct nk_image img);                 // Unload a Nuklear image. And free its data
void CleanupNuklearImage(struct nk_image img);                // Frees the data stored by the Nuklear image

See the Nuklear API documenation for more how to use Nuklear.


git submodule update --init
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test


raylib-nuklear is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified, BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check LICENSE for further details.