
Collecting papers about new view synthesis


Collecting papers about new view synthesis

:bowtie:⭐🔥💪 I will update each day and add more details about every paper ☀️☀️☀️

  1. Stereo Magnification: Learning View Synthesis using Multiplane Images [arxiv] | [code] | 2018 image

  2. Local Light Field Fusion [arxiv] | [code] | 2019 image

  3. DeepView: View synthesis with learned gradient descent [pdf] | [code] | 2019 image

  4. 3D Ken Burns Effect from a Single Image [arxiv] | [code] | 2020 image

  5. 3D Photography using Context-aware Layered Depth Inpainting [arxiv] | [code] | 2020 image

  6. NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields [arxiv] | [code] | 2020 image

  7. NeRF in the Wild: Neural Radiance Fields for Unconstrained Photo Collections [arxiv] | [code] | 2020 image

  8. GRF: Learning a General Radiance Field for 3D Scene Representation and Rendering [arxiv] | [code] image

  9. DeRF: Decomposed Radiance Fields [arxiv] | 2020

  10. NeRF++: Analyzing and Improving Neural Radiance Fields [arxiv] | [code] | 2020

  11. Extreme View Synthesis [arxiv] | [code] | 2019 image

  12. Generative View Synthesis: From Single-view Semantics to Novel-view Images [arxiv] | [code] | 2020 image

  13. Semantic view synthesis [arxiv] | [code] |2020 image

  14. Single-view view synthesis with multiplane images [arxiv] | [code] | 2020 image

  15. Neural Sparse Voxel Fields [arixv] | [code] | 2020

  16. SynSin: End-to-end View Synthesis from a Single Image [arxiv] | [code] | 2020

  17. Neural Point-Based Graphics [arxiv] | [code] | 2020

  18. Free View Synthesis [arxiv] | [code] | 2020

  19. Stable View Synthesis [arxiv] | 2020

  20. Deformable Neural Radiance Fields [pdf] | [code] | 2020

  21. MatryODShka: Real-time 6DoF Video View Synthesis using Multi-Sphere Images [arxiv] | [code] | 2020

  22. Immersive light field video with a layered mesh representation [pdf] | [project] | 2020

  23. NRMVS: Non-Rigid Multi-View Stereo [code] | 2019

  24. Neural Volumes: Learning Dynamic Renderable Volumes from Images [arxiv] | [code] | 2020

  25. Pifuhd: Multi-level pixel-aligned implicit function for high-resolution 3d human digitization [arxiv] | [code]

  26. Neural3D: Light-weight Neural Portrait Scanning via Context-aware Correspondence Learning [pdf] | 2020

  27. Monocular Real-Time Volumetric Performance Capture [pdf] | [code] | 2020

  28. pixelNeRF : Neural Radiance Fields from One or Few Images [pdf] | [code] | 2020

  29. Novel View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes with Globally Coherent Depths from a Monocular Camera [arxiv] | 2020

  30. Neural Scene Flow Fields for Space-Time View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes [arxiv] | [code] | 2020

  31. Space-time Neural Irradiance Fields for Free-Viewpoint Video [arxiv] | [code] | 2020

  32. NeRV: Neural Reflectance and Visibility Fields for Relighting and View Synthesis [project] | 2020

  33. Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields for Monocular 4D Facial Avatar Reconstruction [project] | 2020 image

    • use 3DMM to get the facical expression
    • encode the input image sqquences to get latent code
    • like nerf's MLP, also use facial expressing and latent code as input for the Radiance Fields Network
  34. NeRD: Neural Reflectance Decomposition from Image Collections [code] | 2020 image

  35. Portrait Neural Radiance Fields from a Single Image [pdf] | [project] | 2020 image

  36. Object-Centric Neural Scene Rendering [project] | 2020

  37. Worldsheet: Wrapping the World in a 3D Sheet for View Synthesis from a Single Image [project] | 2020

  38. Infinite Nature: Perpetual View Generation of Natural Scenes from a Single Image [arxiv] | [video] | 2020 image

  39. Neural Radiance Flow for 4D View Synthesis and Video Processing [project] | 2020 image

  40. Learning Compositional Radiance Fields of Dynamic Human Heads [pdf] | [project] | 2020 image

  41. Relightable 3D Head Portraits from a Smartphone Video [pdf] | 2020 image

  42. Learning to Recover 3D Scene Shape from a Single Image [project] | 2020 image

  43. Vid2Actor: Free-viewpoint Animatable Person Synthesis from Video in the Wild [project] | 2020 image

  44. Non-Rigid Neural Radiance Fields: Reconstruction and Novel View Synthesis of a Deforming Scene from Monocular Video [pdf] | 2020 image

  45. ANR: Articulated Neural Rendering for Virtual Avatars [project] | 2020 image

  46. Neural Point-Based Graphics [pdf] | [project] image

  47. Equivariant Neural Rendering [pdf] | [code]

  48. Neural Body: Implicit Neural Representations with Structured Latent Codes for Novel View Synthesis of Dynamic Humans [pdf] | [project] image

  49. Pixel-aligned Volumetric Avatars [pdf] | [project] image

  50. D-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes [pdf] image

  51. Shape-conditioned Radiance Fields from a Single View [pdf] | [project] image

  52. NeRF--: Neural Radiance Fields Without Known Camera Parameters [pdf] | [project] image

  53. IBRNet: Learning Multi-View Image-Based Rendering [pdf] | [project] image

  54. DONeRF: Towards Real-Time Rendering of Neural Radiance Fields using Depth Oracle Networks [pdf] | [project]

  55. Neural 3D Video Synthesis [pdf] | [project] image

  56. NeX: Real-time View Synthesis with Neural Basis Expansion [pdf] | [project] image

  57. A-NeRF: Surface-free Human 3D Pose Refinement via Neural Rendering [pdf] | [project] image

  58. FastNeRF: High-Fidelity Neural Rendering at 200FPS [pdf] images