
Mule AMQP Transport

Primary LanguageJava

Mule AMQP Transport

Read the complete user guide.

Or check the MuleStudio Plug-In installation and demo documentation.

Supported AMQP Versions

This transport is based on the RabbitMQ Java Client, which is compatible with brokers supporting AMQP version 0.9.1.


  • Inbound message receiving via subscription to existing or declared exchanges and queues.
  • Outbound message publication to existing or declared exchanges.
  • Outbound request-response pattern supported via temporary reply queues.
  • Inbound and outbound transaction support, with optional channel self-recovery.
  • Synchronous Message requesting with time-out.
  • Passive or active-only exchange and queue declarations.
  • Support for connection fallback accross a list of AMQP hosts.
  • Support of all AMQP's message properties, including custom headers.
  • Support of reply to (publishing replies to the default exchange).
  • Support of automatic, Mule-driven and manual message acknowledgment.
  • Support of manual message rejection.
  • Support of manual channel recover.
  • Support of the default exchange semantics in outbound endpoints.
  • Support of mandatory and immediate publish parameters and handling of returned (undelivered) messages.
  • Support of prefetch size and count "quality of service" settings.
  • Support of noLocal and exclusive consumers.
  • Support of custom exchange and queue arguments.
  • Support for SSL connectivity.

Integration Testing


mvn -Pit clean verify

The integration tests rely on a locally running RabbitMQ broker with a default configuration. They have been run using a RabbitMQ installation from Homebrew (https://www.rabbitmq.com/install-homebrew.html) set up with the configuration found in /mule-transport-amqp/src/it/resources/ssl/rabbit/rabbitmq.config (in case of running with JDK6 please use rabbitmq-jdk6.config which is in the same folder).

If you have a different configuration, you can use the following arguments:

-DamqpPort=6666 -DamqpSslPort=6665 -DamqpVirtualHost=/ -DamqpUserName=guest \
-DamqpPassword=guest -DamqpHost=localhost

SSL Support

If you have configured SSL support on RabbitMQ as detailed here on the default port you can include the SSL tests by running:

mvn -Pit -DrunAmqpsTests=true clean verify

You have to create your own self signed certificates for testing purposes.

You can follow the next steps:

  1. Create a public and a private key.

    keytool -genkeypair
    -keystore trustStore.jks
    -storepass rabbitstore
    -keyalg RSA
    -validity 365
    -keypass MySecretPassword
    -alias rabbitmq
    -dname "CN=*.corp-ext.local,OU=Test, O=Corp, L=Buenos Aires S=BA C=AR"

  2. Import the RabbitMQ key pair to the PKCS12 trust store.

    keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore trustStore.jks
    -destkeystore keycert.p12 -deststoretype pkcs12
    -srcstorepass MySecretPassword -deststorepass MySecretPassword
    -alias rabbitmq

When prompted use MySecretPassword

  1. Convert the key pair file to PEM format

    openssl pkcs12 -in keycert.p12
    -out foo.pem -passin pass:MySecretPassword
    -passout pass:MySecretPassword

  2. Extract the encrypted private key

    foo.pem > enc.pem

  3. Decrypt the private key

    openssl rsa -in enc.pem
    -out unenc.pem -passin pass:MySecretPassword

  4. Extract the certificate

    sed -n '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/p'
    foo.pem > cert.pem

  5. Copy the certs to the following folders

    cp cert.pem <PROJECT_FOLDER>/src/it/ssl/testca/cacert.pem cp cert.pem <PROJECT_FOLDER>/src/it/ssl/server/cert.pem cp unenc.pem <PROJECT_FOLDER>/src/it/ssl/server/key.pem cp cert.pem <PROJECT_FOLDER>/src/it/ssl/client/cert.pem cp unenc.pem <PROJECT_FOLDER>/src/it/ssl/client/key.pem cp trustStore.jks <PROJECT_FOLDER>/src/it/ssl/client/trustStore.jks

Maven Support

Add the following repository:

  <name>MuleForge Repository</name>

To add the Mule AMQP transport to a Maven project add the following dependency:
