
Leetcode python solutions and notes by Zhengyuan Zhu

Primary LanguagePython

Leetcode for fun

One question a day to ensure a sharp mind.

Grading Criteria

  • L0: straight forward question
  • L1: variance of template
  • L2: need to think for a while / complex implementation
  • L3: need aha moment / unexpected algorithm

Time Complexity Analysis

Row: input size(IS), column: time complexity(TC)

IS&TC O($2^n$) O($n^4$) O($n^3$) O($n^2$) O(nlogn) O(n) O(logn) O(1)
500 - $10^3$
$10^3$ - $10^4$
$10^4$ - $10^5$ ?
$10^5$ - $10^6$
$10^6$ - $10^9$
TC Algorithm
O($2^n$) DFS-combination($2^n$), DFS-permutation(n!),
O($n^4$) DP
O($n^3$) DP, Floyd-Warshall
O($n^2$) DP
O(nlogn) Sorting, Heap, divide&conquer, Dijkstra-heap, QuickSort
O(n) DP, DFS-tree(V), BFS(V+E), TopologicalSorting(V+E), BucketSort(N+K), MonotonicStack()
O(logn) BinarySearch, BinaryIndexTree
O(1) Math

Trigger keywords

  1. What is the data size?
  2. Can I sort or group the elements?
  3. Can I use DP, greedy or binary search?
  4. Can I enumerate on specific variable?
  5. Can I use two passes?
  6. Can I solve it reversely?
  7. Can I convert the problem to a other problem?
  8. If the problem mentions "Subarray", consider sliding window, monotonic stack/queue, prefix sum + hash table, Kadane's algorithm.

Cheat sheet


Efficiently find all the palindrome numbers in a range 10**9:

pal = []
base = 1
while base <= 10000: # 
    # odd number
    for i in range(base, base * 10):
        x = i
        t = i // 10
        while t:
            x = x * 10 + t % 10
            t //= 10
    # even number
    if base <= 1000:
        for i in range(base, base * 10):
            x = t = i
            while t:
                x = x * 10 + t % 10
                t //= 10
    base *= 10
pal.append(1_000_000_001)  # sentinel


  1. 用什么语言刷题?C++/Java/Python横向大比较
  2. Leetcode 101: A Leetcode Grinding Guide(C++ Version)
  3. Algorithms for Competitive Programming
  4. 古城算法 slides(google drive)
  5. 输入数据规模和时间复杂度的关系
  6. 0x3ff-palindrome