
A very light weight and simple PHP MVC / Rest ready Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Noble Framework

Noble (No Bull****) PHP Framework is a very light weight, no magic framework. For developers who are turned off by "magic" auto scaffolding of other frameworks, the Noble framework provides a simple platform for you application without a huge learning curve.


The organizing priciple of this framework is reusability without complexity. It centers around a basic structural MVC layout and utilizes sets of libraries for controlling shared functionality, while maintaining libraries seperate from your application logic.


You can see the framework in action at http://noble.82rules.com

Getting started

You'll need

* PHP 5.3+ 
* mod_rewite enabled if your using a web server
* Clone the repo git clone git@github.com:82rules/noble.git 
* if your using a web server, point the docroot to noble/www
* visit http://<your host that points to noble/www>/ you should see the TODO example. 

Getting help & Contributing

Feel free to check out the wiki or ask questions directly or contribute any library/improvement you think is helpful.

Core functionality

  • Web based and CLI requests handled identically.
  • Params based routing - simple /path//matching
  • Templating - Fully naitive PHP templating, with added template extension and inheritance added
  • Boostrating - By default, every bootstrap config is sensitive to an enviroment (dev, production, ect..)
  • REST - Built into the application is a default GET, POST, PUT, DELETE action pathing for REST abiliites
  • Responding - HTML, JS, JSON, JSONP, you can easily change response formats and add new ones.
  • HMVC - Simply request another route from within your controllers and the application will result in fully responsive HMVC style.

Libraries intended uses include

  • Connectivity Engines - Mysql, MongoDB, Solr ect..
  • Vendor Libraries


The framework core files

. app -- houses your application logic

	boostrap.php -- houses your startup settings

. lib
	.engines --- small set of default db engines and communications
	.vendor -- where any additional libraries would go

	autoload.php -- file namespacing resolution
	boostrap.php -- registers your configuration and fetches on request
	context.php -- handles user inputs, (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE, CLI) 
	controllers.php -- class that all controllers must extend, provides REST interfact
	helpers -- class that all helpers must extend
	load.php -- loads a route into the application
	models.php -- class that all models must extend, provides minimal validation if desired
	responder.php -- object which controllers recieve and pass thru the application 
	route.php -- loads desired controller and methods for a given route
	template.php -- loads the views and provides extended functionality for naitive php templates such as extending, appending, attaching 
	i18n.php -- loads language files and fetches sentence based on key 


One of the most useful libraries in this framework is the naitive PHP templating. Since your templates will be in pure php there is nothing to compile, making debugging simpler and templating more straight forward. However one of the most useful features of templating libraries is the ability to inherit templates from other pages and extend their views.

Noble provides such an interface with the template.php library. Whenever you are in a view loaded by the application (excluding pure JSON responses which do not get rendered in views) your template will be within the context of the template class as "self" and will have available the following functionalities.

Blocks & Extends

A block is a predefined area referenced by a name. Blocks will then be available for extending or overriding when inherited or loaded You can append (insert at the top of the block), attach (insert at the end of the block) or overide blocks. Blocks are also nestable.

  • self::block($varname) - starts a block or override a block content
  • self::endblock(optional $varname) - ends a block. When a block ends with a name, it displays the value of the block, this allows you to control in which template the block is displayed
  • self::append($varname) - add to the top of the block, before the already existing block content
  • self::attach($varname) - add to the end of a block, after its existing content
  • self::route($routeName,array(configs..)) - a shortcut to the \lib\Route::url for fetching urls from bootstrap route config
  • self::text($key) - shortcut to i18n::key function for fetching text based on languae and key

Example Template Syntax:

/// view loads home.php

<?PHP self::block("somename"); ?>
	Some template <?PHP echo $withValues; ?> here
<?PHP self::endblock(); ?>

<?PHP self::attach("otherblock"); ?>
	Some template <?PHP echo $withValues; ?> here
<?PHP self::endblock(); ?>

<?PHP self::extend("template.php"); ?>

/// template.php
	<?PHP self::block("somename"); ?>
		This is my default content which would be overriden 
	<?PHP self::endblock("somename"); ?>

	<?PHP self::block("otherblock"); ?>
		This is my default content, which will remain here when attached to
	<?PHP self::endblock("somename"); ?>


All boostrap configs have a default boostrap name, setting name, and value. Value can be an array of enviroments Example boostraps

Library\Bootstrap::environment("default","development");  // item : environtment, setting default, singular value "development"

Library\Bootstrap::database("mysql",array( // item "databases", setting for "mysql", array of enviroments ("default"=> array of settings) 
		"development"=> array( /// will match what comes form default enviromentment 

Hooks provide a way to load common functions at launch time for availability.

	new \lib\engines\Session; 
	\lib\i18n::init('en_us'); /// load language


Routing is handled as a regular expression url match to /path requested. The route that will execute will be the first matched pattern given your bootstrap configs, so be sure that the most granular routes come first as order is important.

Routing is then handled as a bubbled even with target, before and after actions available as options. Routes are daisy chained together to allow each section to have both before and after requests.



To create a route url from the configs use the \lib\Route::url function.

(in templates, use self::route) 


Noble does not require scaffolding if you are using it as a stand alone clone from the repo. However, you can add apps using scaffolding to create scaffolding. Scafoolding is handled in the scaffold.php controller so you can extend it however you choose.

php noble --path="scaffold/create" --data="path=/path/to/scaffold/to" 

which will create

	index.php - pointing to app path and noble path 

if you wish to deploy noble as a submodule or seperate library in your application

Shared Libraries

You can scaffold as many applications around a central library as you wish. Applications can all share libraries from the main central library/app to provide common functionality among all apps. For example, lets say you've scaffolded 2 apps around a central /library/noble


		index.php -> app path app1/app

		index.php -> app path app2/app

the namespace app/model/hello.php called from either app1 or app2 will look for their app(1|2)/model/hello.php respetively and if not provided, will be defaulted to library/noble/app/model/hello.php

This provides apps a mechanism to share prebuilt or shared components without duplicating files.