Linux Pentest tool to change temporally the MAC Address of a network interface.
Linux pentest tool to change temporally the MAC Address of a network interface.
College work done in April/May for programming logic and python modules learning, so it has low optimization and some "bad habits" on the programming logic. Basically my first "true" software.
-i or --interface= : network interface
-m or --mac= : new mac address
[1] Format the input MAC if doesnt have any special characters after each 2 digits
[2] Format the input MAC if the special characters after each 2 digits is not ":"
[3] Mistakes generate a output with available network interfaces and their current MAC Addresses
[4] "Error Handling" if doesnt work
Future Improvements
[1] Check if root, because you need it to change the MAC.
[2] Random MAC Generator so user doesnt need to input it.