
Database project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Personnel and Payroll Management System

Development environment


Visual Studio 2019




Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18

System function


Personnel information management

1)Function Descriptions
  • Add, delete, query and modify the employee basic information record. For new employees, the system automatically assigns them a system account.
  • Add, delete, query and modify the post dictionary. Ensure no one holds the job while deleting a job.
  • Record all the information about the department and post changes of employees.
2)Interface presentation
2、Employees' basic informationimage-20200616125408068
3、Add and modify employees' basic informationimage-20200616125524140




 public ActionResult Add(员工视图 adddata, int edit)
            using (MyContext context = new MyContext())
                if (edit == 1)
                    员工表 now = context.员工表.FirstOrDefault(u => u.工号 == adddata.工号);
                    部门表 dep = context.部门表.FirstOrDefault(u => u.部门名称 == adddata.部门名称);
                    职务表 pos = context.职务表.FirstOrDefault(u => u.职务名称 == adddata.职务名称);
                    string depid = dep.部门编号;
                    string posid = pos.职务编号;
                    now.工号 = adddata.工号;
                    now.性别 = adddata.性别;
                    now.出生日期 = adddata.出生日期;
                    now.身份证号码 = adddata.身份证号码;
                    now.职务编号 = posid;
                    now.部门编号 = depid;
                    now.学历 = adddata.学历;
                    now.籍贯 = adddata.籍贯;
                    now.婚姻状态 = adddata.婚姻状态;
                    now.电话 = adddata.电话;
                    now.邮箱 = adddata.邮箱;
                    now.是否在职 = adddata.是否在职;
                    now.基本工资 = adddata.基本工资;
                    now.照片 = adddata.照片;
                    员工表 check = context.员工表.FirstOrDefault(u => u.工号 == adddata.工号);
                    if (check != null)
                        return Json(new
                            Success = false,
                            Message = "工号已存在"
                    员工表 now = new 员工表();
                    部门表 dep = context.部门表.FirstOrDefault(u => u.部门名称 == adddata.部门名称);
                    职务表 pos = context.职务表.FirstOrDefault(u => u.职务名称 == adddata.职务名称);
                    string depid = dep.部门编号;
                    string posid = pos.职务编号;
                    now.工号 = adddata.工号;
                    now.姓名 = adddata.姓名;
                    now.性别 = adddata.性别;
                    now.出生日期 = adddata.出生日期;
                    now.身份证号码 = adddata.身份证号码;
                    now.职务编号 = posid;
                    now.部门编号 = depid;
                    now.学历 = adddata.学历;
                    now.籍贯 = adddata.籍贯;
                    now.婚姻状态 = adddata.婚姻状态;
                    now.电话 = adddata.电话;
                    now.邮箱 = adddata.邮箱;
                    now.是否在职 = adddata.是否在职;
                    now.基本工资 = adddata.基本工资;
                    now.照片 = adddata.照片;

                    用户表 user = new 用户表();
                    user.账号 = now.工号;
                    user.密码 = new MD5Encrypt().getMd5Hash(now.工号);
                    user.权限类型 = 0;
                int flg = context.SaveChanges();
                if (flg > 0 || edit == 1)
                    return Json(new
                        Success = true,
                        Message = "操作成功"
                return Json(new
                    Success = false,
                    Message = "操作失败"


    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout_2.cshtml";
    ViewBag.Title = "员工管理";

    .layui-table-cell .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin="primary"] {
        transform: translateY(20%);

<div class="current-location">
    | <a><cite>人事信息管理</cite></a>
    | <a><cite>员工信息</cite></a>

<div id="tablee" lay-filter="jsTable"></div>
<script type="text/html" id="topbar">

    <div class="layui-inline" id="searchKeywordf">
        <input type="text" autocomplete="off" id="keyword" placeholder="请输入要查询的工号..." class="layui-input">
    <button class="layui-btn" data-type="search" id="search" lay-event="search">
        <i class="layui-icon layui-icon-search"></i>查询
    <button class="layui-btn" data-type="add" id="add" lay-event="add">
        <i class="layui-icon layui-icon-add-1"></i>添加
<script type="text/html" id="tbar">
    <a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" lay-event="Edit" title="编辑">
        <i class="layui-icon layui-icon-edit"></i>编辑
<script type="text/html" id="image">
    <img src="{{d.照片}}" style="width:108px; height:100px;" />

<style type="text/css">
    .layui-table-cell {
        text-align: center;
        height: auto;
        white-space: normal;

@section Scripts{
    <script type="text/javascript">
        layui.use(['table', 'layer', 'laydate', 'util'], function ()
            var table = layui.table;
            var $ = layui.$;
            var layer = layui.layer;
            var laydate = layui.laydate;
            var util = layui.util;
                elem: '#tablee'
                , height: 510
                , where: $("#keyword").val()
                , url: "@Url.Action("GetList")"//数据接口
                , toolbar: "#topbar"
                , page: true //开启分页
                , cols: [[
                    { type: "checkbox", style: "height:110px;"},
                    {  align: 'center', width: 80, style: "height:110px;", templet: function (obj) {
                        return obj.LAY_INDEX;
                    { field: '工号', align: 'center', title: '工号', width: 100, style: "height:110px;", sort: true },
                    { field: '照片', align: 'center', title: '照片', width: 130, align: "center", style: "height:110px;",templet:"#image"},
                    { field: '姓名', align: 'center', title: '姓名', width: 100, style: "height:110px;",sort: true },
                    { field: '性别', align: 'center', title: '性别', width: 100, style: "height:110px;", sort: true },
                    { field: '是否在职', align: 'center', title: '是否在职', width: 150, style: "height:110px;", sort: true },
                        field: '出生日期', align: 'center', title: '出生日期', width: 150, style: "height:110px;",sort: true,
                        templet: function (d) {
                            var val = d.出生日期;
                            var date = new Date(parseInt(val.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""), 10));
                            var month = date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? "0" + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1;
                            var currentDate = date.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + date.getDate() : date.getDate();
                            return date.getFullYear() + "-" + month + "-" + currentDate;
                    { field: '身份证号码', align: 'center', title: '身份证号码', width: 200, style: "height:110px;",sort: true },
                    { field: '职务名称', align: 'center', title: '职务', width: 200, style: "height:110px;",sort: true },
                    { field: '部门名称', align: 'center', title: '部门', width: 200, style: "height:110px;",sort: true },
                    { field: '学历', align: 'center', title: '学历', width: 200, style: "height:110px;",sort: true },
                    { field: '籍贯', align: 'center', title: '籍贯', width: 200, style: "height:110px;",sort: true },
                    { field: '婚姻状态', align: 'center', title: '婚姻状态', width: 200, style: "height:110px;",sort: true },
                    { field: '电话', align: 'center', title: '电话', width: 200, style: "height:110px;",sort: true },
                    { field: '邮箱', align: 'center', title: '邮箱', width: 200, style: "height:110px;",sort: true },
                    { field: '基本工资', align: 'center', title: '基本工资', width: 200, style: "height:110px;",sort: true },
                    { title: '操作', fixed: 'right', width: 100, style: "height:110px;",align: 'center', toolbar: '#tbar' }
            table.on("toolbar(jsTable)", function (obj)
            switch (obj.event) {
                case 'search':
                    table.reload("tablee", {
                        page: { curr: 1 },
                        where: { keyword: $('#keyword').val() }
                    }, 'data');
                case 'add':
                        type: 2,
                        content: '@Url.Action("PersonDetail")', //刘文涵
                        title: "新增",
                        area: ["700px", "450px"],
                        end: function () { // layui 关闭弹框时的回调函数
           table.on("tool(jsTable)", function (obj) {
                var event = obj.event;
                var data = obj.data;
                if (event == "Edit")
                         type: 2,
                         content: '@Url.Action("PersonDetail")?id=' + data.工号,/*刘文涵*/
                       title: "修改",
                       area: ["700px", "450px"],
                       end: function () { // layui 关闭弹框时的回调函数


Attendance management

1)Function Descriptions
  • Maintain the daily overtime record of the stuff
  • Examine and approve the requests for leave from employees
  • Print the related report
2)Interface presentation
1、Examine and approve the requests


Salary management

1)Function description
  • The formula of the monthly salary calculation is: real salary = attendance salary(basic salary * attendance rate) + post salary + rewards and punishment amount + overtime salary + pay-for-performance - withholding salary. And the formula of the attendance rate is: the attendance rate = the number of full attendance days / the number of working days * basic salary
  • Maintain the employees' record such as rewards and punishment, pay-for-performance and withholding salary
  • Calculate and back up the monthly wages.
  • Print the related report
2)Interface presentation
1、Query, calculate and back up the monthly wages





3、Maintain the rewards and punishment salary




The calculation of monthly wages

public ActionResult MonthWageCalc()
            using(MyContext context = new MyContext())
                context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("exec 计算月工资");
                return Json(new
                    Success = true,
                    Message = "计算完成"

Back up

public ActionResult MonthWageCalc()
            using(MyContext context = new MyContext())
                context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("exec 计算月工资");
                return Json(new
                    Success = true,
                    Message = "计算完成"

Training management

1)Function descriptions
  • Maintain the information of training cource
  • Maintain the information of training score
  • Maintain the information of teachers
3)Interface presentation
Training cources



1)Function description
  • Change user's password
  • Retrieve password using mailbox
  • Clock in
  • Apply for a leave: user submits the form and waits for review.
  • Query personal information including wages, attendance, training and so on
2)Interface presentation
Ask for leave


Change password


Retrieve password



User management

1)Function descriptions
  • Add, delete the account and modify user's permission.
2)Interface presentation
1、User management
