
This repository contains the keras implementation of an algorithm to classify different species of butterflies

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the keras implementation of an algorithm to classify different species of butterflies.

Dataset Download the dataset from http://www.josiahwang.com/dataset/leedsbutterfly/. Josiah Wang, Katja Markert, and Mark Everingham. "Learning Models for Object Recognition from Natural Language Descriptions". In Proceedings of the 20th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC2009), September 2009.

Please organize the images into 10 different folders named from 1 to 10 containing images of each class.

Requirements: 1)Keras 2)matplotlib 3)PIL 4)numpy 5)h5py

We choose 782 training samples and 50 validation samples and manage to achieve a training accuracy of 90.2% and a validation accuracy of 89.5%.

To download the trained weight file for just testing. Download trained weights at https://drive.google.com/open?id=1t5cErFikxYl_ZtvSEr9IXSDpF5opadE1