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SenseFi: A Benchmark for WiFi CSI Sensing


SenseFi is the first open-source benchmark and library for WiFi CSI human sensing, implemented by PyTorch. The state-of-the-art networks, including MLP, CNN, RNN, Transformers, etc, are evaluated on four public datasets across different WiFi CSI platforms. The details are illustrated in our paper Deep Learning and Its Applications to WiFi Human Sensing: A Benchmark and A Tutorial.

  title={Deep Learning and Its Applications to WiFi Human Sensing: A Benchmark and A Tutorial},
  author={Yang, Jianfei and Chen, Xinyan and Wang, Dazhuo and Zou, Han and Lu, Chris Xiaoxuan and Sun, Sumei and Xie, Lihua},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.07859},


  1. Install pytorch and torchvision (we use pytorch==1.12.0 and torchvision==0.13.0).
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt


Download Processed Data

Please download and organize the processed datasets in this structure:

├── Data
    ├── NTU-Fi_HAR
    │   ├── test_amp
    │   ├── train_amp
    ├── NTU-Fi-HumanID
    │   ├── test_amp
    │   ├── train_amp
    ├── UT_HAR
    │   ├── data
    │   ├── label
    ├── Widardata
    │   ├── test
    │   ├── train

We also offer pre-trained weights for all models

Supervised Learning

To run models with supervised learning (train & test):
Run: python --model [model name] --dataset [dataset name]

You can choose [model name] from the model list below

  • MLP
  • LeNet
  • ResNet18
  • ResNet50
  • ResNet101
  • RNN
  • GRU
  • LSTM
  • BiLSTM
  • ViT

You can choose [dataset name] from the dataset list below

  • UT_HAR_data
  • NTU-Fi-HumanID
  • NTU-Fi_HAR
  • Widar

Example: python --model ResNet18 --dataset NTU-Fi_HAR

Unsupervised Learning

To run models with unsupervised (self-supervised) learning (train on NTU-Fi HAR & test on NTU-Fi HumanID):
Run: python --model [model name]

You can choose [model name] from the model list below

  • MLP
  • LeNet
  • ResNet18
  • ResNet50
  • ResNet101
  • RNN
  • GRU
  • LSTM
  • BiLSTM
  • ViT

Example: python --model MLP
Method: AutoFi: Towards Automatic WiFi Human Sensing via Geometric Self-Supervised Learning

Model Zoo


  • It consists of 3 fully-connected layers followed by activation functions


  • self.encoder : It consists of 3 convolutional layers followed by activation functions and Maxpooling layers to learn features
  • self.fc : It consists of 2 fully-connected layers followed by activation functions for classification


  • class Bottleneck : Each bottleneck consists of 3 convolutional layers followed by batch normalization operation and activation functions. And adds resudual connection within the bottleneck
  • class Block : Each block consists of 2 convolutional layers followed by batch normalization operation and activation functions. And adds resudual connection within the block
  • self.reshape : Reshape the input size into the size of 3 x 32 x 32
  • self.fc : It consists of a fully-connected layer


  • self.rnn : A one-layer RNN structure with a hidden dimension of 64
  • self.fc : It consists of a fully-connected layer


  • self.gru : A one-layer GRU structure with a hidden dimension of 64
  • self.fc : It consists of a fully-connected layer


  • self.lstm : A one-layer LSTM structure with a hidden dimension of 64
  • self.fc : It consists of a fully-connected layer


  • self.lstm : A one-layer bidirectional LSTM structure with a hidden dimension of 64
  • self.fc : It consists of a fully-connected layer


  • self.encoder : It consists of 3 convolutional layers followed by activation functions
  • self.gru : A one-layer GRU structure with a hidden dimension of 64
  • self.classifier : It consistis a dropout layer followed by a fully-connected layer and an activation function

ViT (Transformers)

  • class PatchEmbedding : Divide the 2D inputs into small pieces of equal size. Then concatenate each piece with cls_token and do positional encoding operation
  • class ClassificationHead : It consists of a layer-normalization layer followed by a fully-connected layer
  • class TransformerEncoderBlock : It consists of multi-head attention block, residual add block and feed forward block. The structure is shown below:



A Survey on Behavior Recognition Using WiFi Channel State Information [Github]

  • CSI size : 1 x 250 x 90
  • number of classes : 7
  • classes : lie down, fall, walk, pickup, run, sit down, stand up
  • train number : 3977
  • test number : 996


Efficientfi: Towards Large-Scale Lightweight Wifi Sensing via CSI Compression

  • CSI size : 3 x 114 x 500
  • number of classes : 6
  • classes : box, circle, clean, fall, run, walk
  • train number : 936
  • test number : 264


CAUTION: A Robust WiFi-based Human Authentication System via Few-shot Open-set Gait Recognition

  • CSI size : 3 x 114 x 500
  • number of classes : 14
  • classes : gaits of 14 subjects
  • train number : 546
  • test number : 294

Examples of NTU-Fi data


Widar3.0: Zero-Effort Cross-Domain Gesture Recognition with Wi-Fi [Project]

  • BVP size : 22 x 20 x 20
  • number of classes : 22
  • classes :
    Push&Pull, Sweep, Clap, Slide, Draw-N(H), Draw-O(H),Draw-Rectangle(H),
    Draw-Triangle(H), Draw-Zigzag(H), Draw-Zigzag(V), Draw-N(V), Draw-O(V), Draw-1,
    Draw-2, Draw-3, Draw-4, Draw-5, Draw-6, Draw-7, Draw-8, Draw-9, Draw-10
  • train number : 34926
  • test number : 8726

Classes of Widar data


Please download and unzip all the datasets with Linux system in order to avoid decoding errors.

Datasets Reference

  title={A survey on behavior recognition using WiFi channel state information},
  author={Yousefi, Siamak and Narui, Hirokazu and Dayal, Sankalp and Ermon, Stefano and Valaee, Shahrokh},
  journal={IEEE Communications Magazine},

  title={AutoFi: Towards Automatic WiFi Human Sensing via Geometric Self-Supervised Learning},
  author={Yang, Jianfei and Chen, Xinyan and Zou, Han and Wang, Dazhuo and Xie, Lihua},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.01629},

  title={Efficientfi: Towards large-scale lightweight wifi sensing via csi compression},
  author={Yang, Jianfei and Chen, Xinyan and Zou, Han and Wang, Dazhuo and Xu, Qianwen and Xie, Lihua},
  journal={IEEE Internet of Things Journal},

  title={CAUTION: A Robust WiFi-based Human Authentication System via Few-shot Open-set Gait Recognition},
  author={Wang, Dazhuo and Yang, Jianfei and Cui, Wei and Xie, Lihua and Sun, Sumei},
  journal={IEEE Internet of Things Journal},

  title={Widar3. 0: Zero-effort cross-domain gesture recognition with wi-fi},
  author={Zhang, Yi and Zheng, Yue and Qian, Kun and Zhang, Guidong and Liu, Yunhao and Wu, Chenshu and Yang, Zheng},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},