
Uni Konstanz title page for thesises in LaTeX

Primary LanguageTeX


This title.tex creates a title page according to the requirements of the Universität Konstanz as stated on the page of the Zentrales Prüfungsamt. This title page was created 2014, so if you find, that the format has changed, feel free to correct it and send a patch.

The Matrikel-Nr was added to the universities version, as some departements/chairs want this. If you don't need this, just leave it empty.


  1. Either clone the whole repository or download the title.tex and the unisignet.pdf.
  2. At the place, where you want to put your title page, probably directly after \begin{document}, insert \input{title.tex} (or similar, depending on your folder structure).
  3. Change the commands in the upper part of title.tex to represent your information.

The Signet

The unisignet.pdf is a copyrighted symbol of the Universität Konstanz. Usage can only be allowed by the Universität Konstanz. Usage has been allowed for the title page of a thesis done at the Universität of Konstanz in a way, that the symbol is attributed to the institution and not the author. The title page in the form of title.tex is in accordance with this usage.