
Dump Android's payload.bin

Primary LanguagePython

payload dumper of online

这是一个修改版的 payload dumper ,除了具有它原先支持的功能,还支持以下特性:

  1. 从包含 payload.bin 的 zip 归档中直接提取分区,而无需解压。
  2. 从来自网络的包含 payload.bin (的 zip 归档)的 url (如 OTA 更新地址)直接提取分区,而无需下载整个文件。

借助该脚本,你只需要少量的时间和存储空间就能从 OTA 更新包或地址中提取你想要的分区,尤其是比较小的分区,如 boot, init_boot, vbmeta 等。


This is a modified version of payload dumper that supports the following features in addition to the original features:

  1. Extract partitions directly from a zip archive containing payload.bin without unzipping it.
  2. Extract partitions directly from a URL (such as an OTA update URL) containing payload.bin from the network without downloading the entire file.

With this script, you only need a small amount of time and storage space to extract the partitions you want from the OTA update package or address, especially the smaller partitions such as boot, init_boot, vbmeta, etc.

Future Outlook: Maybe it can support extracting some files in system partitions?


git clone https://github.com/5ec1cff/payload-dumper
cd payload-dumper
pip install -r requirement.txt
cd payload_dumper
python dumper.py --partitions <partitions you need> <file path or url>

payload dumper

Dumps the payload.bin image found in Android update images. Has significant performance gains over other tools due to using multiprocessing.



  • Python3
  • pip

Example ASCIIcast



Dumping the entirety of payload.bin

payload_dumper payload.bin

Dumping specific partitions

Use a comma-separated list of partitions to dump:

payload_dumper --partitions boot,dtbo,vendor payload.bin

Patching older image with OTA

Assuming the old partitions are in a directory named old/:

payload_dumper --diff payload.bin