learn you some npm for great good
Editing Content
All the markdown files can be found in the content directory. Some of these files live here in this repository, others live in other repositories and are imported during the build process. These imported files are ignored by git to prevent people from accidentally editing the wrong files.
In this repo
Copied from npm/npm
HTML Frontmatter for Page Metadata
This site uses html-frontmatter to add metadata to pages.
If a file has a title
property in its frontmatter, it will be used for
the <title>
of the rendered HTML page. If title
is absent from the
frontmatter, the filename (without the .md extension) is used.
Pages are sorted alphabetically by default, but the page order per section
can be overridden by using a numerical order
frontmatter property. It is
not necessary to order all pages in a section: Any pages in a section that
don't have an order
property will be relegated to the end of that section.
If you rename or remove a file, add it to lib/redirects.js to keep things from breaking.
If you rename a directory inside the content
directory, you'll need to change it in sections.json to allow the content.json to pick up the changes.
Download node at and install it, if you haven't already.
To run the app locally:
npm install
npm run dev
Now you have a server running nodemon at localhost:5000.
NOTE: If you are using iojs
, or Node versions 4 or 5, on a Linux or OSX box,
you will need to do the following steps:
$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
$ sudo apt-get update -qq
$ sudo apt-get install -qq -y g++-4.8
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8 50
NOTE: If you have changed Node.js versions and are still getting and error on a supported version of Node.js, you may need to rebuild npm:
$ npm rebuild
The Build Process
The build is run automatically after every npm install
and before npm start
. Here's an overview of what it does.
- Copies npm documentation from
- Walks the content directory collecting markdown files.
- Reads the contents of each markdown file.
- Parses HTML Frontmatter from the markdown files
- Converts markdown to HTML
- Writes content.json with HTML content of each file included.
The copied and generated files are ignored for two reasons:
- Keeps the git history uncluttered.
- Prevents humans from accidentally editing auto-generated files
The content.json file is served publicly at /content.json
with CORS support, allowing browsers on other domains to fetch all the npm
documentation and accompanying metadata with a single HTTP call.
npm install
npm test
git push origin +master:deploy-staging
git push origin +master:deploy-production
If you get dissed with an "Everything up-to-date" message, make an empty commit and push again:
git commit -avm "emptiness" --allow-empty