88plug/wordpress is a fork of the wordpress:4.9.8-php7.1-apache Docker image.
Included in this fork is apache2, php7.1, mcrypt, redis, memcached, and imagemagick.
Additionally you can run 88plug/wordpress with Traefik to setup easy as 1-2-3!
Before you start ensure your DNS records are pointing at the correct server, this will generate SSL certificates.
git clone https://github.com/88plug/wordpress.git ; cd wordpress ; chmod +x ./make_site.sh ; ./make_site.sh
You will be prompted for an email, domain, monitoring domain (for traefik), and a mysql password.
A folder $domain/ will be created with your new configuration. docker-compose.yml and traefik.toml can be further customized for your domain settings.
If you are using Cloudflare and ./make_site.sh please be sure to use developer mode (disable acceleration) for the original SSL certificate generation. If you ever get stuck with old SSL certificates, you can re-create acme.json and use restart.sh