Recycle2Crypto (R2C)
Group members:
Hamid Suha: 📫
Saalik Ahmed: 📫
Trevor Schoner: 📫
Christopher Antes: : 📫
In this project we will implement a software to analyze and rate object to be recycled, then reward the individual with crypto
- FaceID, Email/Password
- Accept Item to be recycled
- Use AI to figure out what item it is
- Allot a certain amount of Crypto per item
- Transfer crypto to user
Softwares we used are:
- Darknet
- YOLOv3
- FireBase Auth and FireStore
- Google Cloud Virtual Machine
- SmartContracts through Solidity
- OpenCV
Item 1
Item 1 with Computer Vision Item 2 Item 2 with Computer Vision