Having fun, checking shell function comments
To improve shell script maintainability, having some comments will surely help.
Shell script don't have an easy way to keep track of global variables, env variables and arguments, this project aims to "lint" functions and force the developer to document them above the said function.
This is particularly useful for Distrobox
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w"
Will generate a statically compiled binary
Check shell functions for undocumented stuff
shell-funcheck [command]
Available Commands:
check Check for undocumented arguments and global variables inside functions
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
-h, --help help for shell-funcheck
-v, --version version for shell-funcheck
Use "shell-funcheck [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Given the following script:
foo() {
echo $global_var $input from $USER
foo "world"
running shell-funcheck check test.sh
Will report us:
test.sh:5:1: error: foo - foo: function foo should be documented
test.sh:6:3: error: foo - input: argument is not documented
2024/05/01 18:15:31 lint error
Which already gives us an hint document the function
Expected documentation format is:
# name_of_funtion + explanation
# Arguments:
# name_of_argument: explanation of argument
# Expected env variables:
# name_of_env_variable: explanation
# Expected global variables:
# name_of_global_variable: explanation
# Outputs:
# explanation of the expected outputs
If we want to fix our previous example, we should have something like:
# foo will print our nice hello world
# Arguments:
# input: string world to salute
# Expected env variables:
# USER: string of your username
# Expected global variables:
# global_var: string global var of this script
# Outputs:
# a nice salute
foo() {
echo $global_var $input from $USER
foo "world"
Many thanks to mvdan for their fantastic library https://github.com/mvdan/sh that made this project feasable