
Rain that falls upward. Experimental drawing using canvas and CoffeeScript.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Rain that falls upward. Experimental drawing using canvas and CoffeeScript.

FiddleSalad link: http://fiddlesalad.com/html/raising-rain-in-coffeescript/

This is just some experimenting I am doing. The only real files you need are

  • index.html
  • coffee-script.js

fallingup03.js.coffee contains just the CoffeeScript for the animation.

I am at the limit of what I will do with this experiment. At this point I think it is wiser to switch to WebGL or continue this experiment in a game engine.

To do

  • Put into 3D space (done)
  • Add camera
  • Add perspective transform
  • Add keys for movement of camera

Next plans

  • Add fading/bluring or other cool effects
  • Move everything into shaders