
A gohugo.io website for the jmonkeyengine.org domain.

Primary LanguageCSS

a gohugo.io website for the jmonkeyengine.org website.

These files are the content and theme files used to generate flat html files using gohugo.

To use these files:

  • Download gohugo.io.
  • execute git clone https://github.com/jMonkeyEngine/website.git in the directory containing hugo.
  • navigate into the website directory created by the clone action.
  • execute the hugo command to compile the files to flat HTML. These files are compiled to the ./public directory.
  • execute hugo server -D to start a server on localhost:1313 and allow live-editing of the files.

Executing the hugo command will compile and publish all files into the ./public folder.

Updating the main website

The ./website/public directory contains a git repository pointing to https://github.com/jMonkeyEngine/jmonkeyengine-ghpage. This repository contains the content that is displayed on the jmonkeyengine.org domain.

  • Carry out any changes you wish to make.
  • Execute the hugo command in the website directory to build the static pages to the public directory.
  • Navigate to the ./website/public/ directory.
  • Commit and Push your changes.

Global Messages

To enable a global message edit the ./config.toml file. Under the params section are three values:

# global_message_error = "This is an error message."
# global_message_warning = "This is a warning message."
# global_message_info = "This is an information message."

To display a global message un-remark the type of message you want to display and amend the message accordingly.

Creating News Pages

To create a new blog page, create a new markdown file in the ./website/content/blog/ directory named somename.md and use the template below.

title: "The Title of My Article"
date: 2019-10-08T06:27:00+00:00
draft: false
type: "blog"
layout: "post"

    - "jayfella"

    - "asset-store"
    - "software"

This is my article. There are many like it but this one is mine.

![A small image](https://i.imgur.com/YsbKHg1.gif)

{{< figure
    class="ui fluid image"
    title="A large image that needs to be resized based on the width of the window."

My article is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.