
npm registry utility -- a mini nrm. npm 注册表/镜像工具 -- 一个轻量级的 nrm。

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

nru -- npm registry utility

install size

  • 足够小,才能在需要切换 registry 时快速下载,而不是先 Baidu/Google/Bing 修改一下 registry,然后再 npm install。
  • 作者是 OpenAI ChatGPT,Github Copilot 以及我,没错这就是 “人工智能“ 。
  • nru 不支持删除或修改其内置仓库,这和 nrm 一致。
  • 就像屎一样的代码,我不知道为啥 chatgpt 会说它 “高效”。
  • 与 nrm 不一致的是 login/pub 默认是 npm 而不是当前,因为考虑到如果你需要登录当前的 registry,直接用 npm 即可。
  • 能够为 yarn2 设置镜像,but shit yarn2, 🌺Q。


You need to install nodejs first, then execute the following command: 你需要先安装 nodejs,然后执行以下命令:

npm install -g nru


❯ nru use taobao
  Set registry to  https://registry.npmmirror.com/
❯ nru cur
  Current manager: y
  Current registry: https://registry.npmmirror.com/
❯ nru ls

* n # current manager is npm
    npm -------- https://registry.npmjs.org/
    yarn ------- https://registry.yarnpkg.com/
  Y taobao ----- https://registry.npmmirror.com/ # yarn registry
    huawei ----- https://repo.huaweicloud.com/repository/npm/
    tencent ---- https://mirrors.cloud.tencent.com/npm/
    npmMirror -- https://skimdb.npmjs.com/registry/
    ustc ------- https://npmreg.proxy.ustclug.org/
 NP ali -------- https://packages.aliyun.com/npm/npm-registry/ # npm registry
    github ----- https://npm.pkg.github.com/
# Define current manager as npm, and set npm registry to taobao
# 定义当前管理器为 npm,并把 npm 的 registry 设置为 taobao

❯ nru def n taobao
  Current manager defined as n
  Set registry to  https://registry.npmmirror.com/


Usage: nru [command] [args]

  current, cur                    :显示当前管理器和注册表
  list, ls                        :列出所有注册表
  use, u [name]                   :使用注册表,如果没有提供名称,则使用 npm 注册表
  test [name]                     :测试注册表,如果没有提供名称,则测试所有注册表
  add <name> <registry> [home]    :添加自定义注册表,home 提供者的主页
  del, rm <name> [name2] ...      :删除自定义注册表
  rename, ren <old> <new>         :重命名自定义注册表
  home <name>                     :在浏览器中打开注册表主页
  def <N|Y> [name]                :将当前管理器定义为 N(npm)、Y(yarn),如果提供了名称,则使用它(调用 use 命令)
  login, lg [name>] [args]        :登录为 name 的注册表,参数将传递给 npm login,如果没有提供名称,则使用 npm
  publish, pub [name>] [args]     :将包发布到为 name 的注册表,参数将传递给 npm publish,如果没有提供名称,则使用 npm
  unpublish, unpub [name>] [args] :从注册表中取消发布包,参数将传递给 npm unpublish,如果没有提供名称,则使用 npm
  set <name> <key> <value>        :设置注册表配置
  set-scope <scope> <name>        :设置作用域注册表
  del-scope <scope>               :删除作用域注册表
  help                            :显示帮助


Usage: nru [command] [args]

  current, cur                    :Show current manager and registry
  list, ls                        :List all registries
  use, u [name]                   :Use registry by name, if no name provided, use npm registry
  test [name]                     :Test registry by name, if no name provided, test all registries
  add <name> <registry> [home]    :Add registry, home is the home page of provider
  del, rm <name> [name2] ...      :Delete registry
  rename, ren <old> <new>         :Rename registry
  home <name>                     :Open registry home page in browser
  def <N|Y> [name]                :Define current manager as N(npm) or Y(yarn) or P(pnpm), if name provided, use it
  login, lg [name>] [args]         :Login registry, args will be passed to npm login,if no name provided, use npm
  publish, pub [name>] [args]      :Publish package to registry
  unpublish, unpub [name>] [args]  :Unpublish package from registry
  set <name> <key> <value>        :Set registry config
  set-scope <scope> <name>        :Set scope registry
  del-scope <scope>               :Delete scope registry
  help                            :Show help


Related Projects


  • Add tests for some commands
