This program is used to find password of Derived Function Block on "EcoStruxure Control Expert" or "Unity" software.
1/ First, take a DFB in Control Expert or Unity with "Crypted password":
2/ Open a ".stu" file program with 7Zip (or equivalent):
3/ Extract "PathBase.db" file:
4/ Open "PathBase.db" with hexadecimal software like HxD (or equivalent):
5/ Search for hex strings in a file the DFB (in my case "Axis_3pos"):
6/ Next, found the string starting with "a .." (61 04 09 in HEXA) and ending with "b." (62 04 in HEXA). The password is between "a .." and "b.":
7/ Open ControlExpertDFBPassword on type the password (in my case, the password is "Bernardo"):
You need "Python 3.7" to use this program. Use "requirements.txt" to install all package.
py -3.7 (on windows)
python3.7 (on linux)