This is a library of utility functions and classes for Beckhoff's TwinCAT. They may well be transferrable to Codesys platform, where linked libraries permit.
- Additional String functions (concatenation)
- Simple logging.
- Logs are written to the windows system log for persistence.
- Wrapping _Taskinfo for intuitive access.
- TryParse functions for LREAL, UDINT and WORD.
- Mimics C# TryParse, returns TRUE if successful, placeholder passed as VAR_IN_OUT
- String and UDINT lists.
- Plan is to refactor a generic underlying list class for these
- Assert class for basic PLC testing
- Terminal Interfaces for simplified connectivity to IO.
- Download the code.
- Either compile into a library and distribute.
- OR
- Include in the base code for the project.
- Developed on TwinCAT 3.1.4024.22.
- All comments always welcome.
- If you submit a pull/merge request, please include a link to a your test project repo.
- Include any special instructions I need to re-run your test.
- Me (hello!) - Mark Lazarides