
Basic python script to display an image using SPI on SH1106 128 by 64 monochrome Oled display

Primary LanguagePython


Basic python3 script to display an image using SPI on SH1106 128 by 64 monochrome Oled display. (can be adapted to python 2.x)

Works on a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Revision 1.1 1GB, with a Raspbian Strech version dated November 13th 2018. SPI interface has been enable using 'sudo raspi-config'.

once launched, ask for the file name to be used (can be .png; jpg..., any format supported by PIL).

If the picture is bigger than 128 x 64 pixels, only the upper/left part is displayed, note also that the picture is black and white converted.

Loading the display is quite fast (screen refresh rate is no visible,few msec) when using 1 MHz SPI clock speed. It becomes much more visible if you use lower clock speed:

  • try to change the line "spi.max_speed_hz = 1000000"


  • "spi.max_speed_hz = 7629"

What takes time is to prepare the display data from the input file (about 200 msec).

result can be seen at the end of this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj6awnta67Y