uTensor Hello World repository

This is a quick end-to-end, training-to-deployment, uTensor demo. If you only wish to run the project, check the "Jump Start" section at the end of this doc.


In a Python virtual environment, install the following:

  • mbed-cli
  • utensor-cgen

Please see the installation guide for mbed-cli and utensor-cli setup (to be linked).

End-to-end Instruction


$ python deep_mlp.py

Code Generation

utensor-cli convert deep_mlp.pb --output-nodes=y_pred


$ mbed deploy
$ mbed compile -m auto -t GCC_ARM -f --sterm --baudrate=119200

Expected output: Predicted label: 7

Jump Start

Alternately, if you are looking to just compile the project without getting into the training and code-generation, use the instructions below instead.

$ mbed import https://github.com/uTensor/utensor-helloworld
$ cd utensor-helloworld

# connect your board

$ mbed compile -m auto -t GCC_ARM -f