
🐱 Small web application framework for HyperHTML

Primary LanguageTypeScriptISC LicenseISC


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Jagwah (pronounced /dʒægwæh/) is a tiny web application framework built with hyperHtml & Typescript.

Getting Started

Install with yarn or npm​

yarn add jagwah

Import and start using

import { Jagwah } from 'jagwah';const jagwah = new Jagwah({
  providers: [ ... ],
  templates: [ ... ]


All of the documentation can be found in the github wiki, it's not perfectly up to date with the latest changes but provides a good overview. Organizing and validating documentation is the focus of minor release 0.1.0.

All examples are stored in the examples branch


Jagwah wraps around hyperHtml to provide a simple API for building web applications with Routes, Templates, Dependency Injection and a few other things. It's intended for use with Typescript but works equally as well with Javascript, not abstracting too far away from core language features.


Below is a really simple example of jagwah, it uses a single Template without Providers or Routes.


import { Jagwah, Selector } from 'jagwah';const jagwah = new Jagwah();
class HelloWorldTemplate {
  constructor() {}
  public render(render: Jagwah.Template.render) {
    return render`
      <h1>Hello World</h1>

main.js (javascript alternative)

import { Jagwah } from 'jagwah';const jagwah = new Jagwah();function HelloWorldTemplate() {}
HelloWorldTemplate.$selector = '#hello-world';
HelloWorldTemplate.prototype.render(render) {
  return render`
    <h1>Hello World</h1>


  <div id="hello-world"></div>

result.png hello world with jagwah


All of the really hard work was done by WebReflection and the contributors of hyperHtml.