
PHP web notepad, like a wiki, saves every 2 seconds

Primary LanguagePHP


A quick small wiki, perfect for pasting quick texts or code between friends.

Don't worry about saving, it saves every 2 seconds. Paste and forget! Think of it as a magic web notepad. Try it out at http://edit.sunfox.org/any-page-name.


  • /any-page-name: type what you want, it's saved automagically!
  • /any-page-name.txt: raw text version.
  • /any-page-name.html: html representation, pushed through the Markdown syntax.


  • Make a writeable directory that will contain your pages as txt files. For example: mkdir data && chmod a+w data
  • Tell your http server to redirect 404s to index.php (under Apache copy htaccess.example to .htaccess and modify the RewriteBase directive if necessary)
  • Copy config.example.php to config.php and modify it to your liking
  • To enable concurrent access, uncomment the lines in config.php regarding Google Mobwrite

Further use

This section is only for ninjas and such.

  • To stop users from editing a page, make it non-writeable on the disk, e.g. chmod -w data/foo.txt.
  • To stop users from creating new pages, make the data directory non-writeable, e.g. chmod -w data.
  • To create a new template, add a PHP file in templates/.
  • You may use any file name you like as long as it doesn't end like a representation (.txt or .html)
  • If you prefer /page.js/txt URIs instead of /page.js.txt, the config file has a setting for you.
