
Compiler infrastructure and toolchain library for WebAssembly, in C++

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Binaryen is a compiler and toolchain infrastructure library for WebAssembly, written in C++. It can:

  • Parse and emit WebAssembly, supporting the current S-Expression format.
  • Interpret WebAssembly. The interpreter passes 100% of the spec test suite.
  • Compile asm.js to WebAssembly, which together with Emscripten which compiles C and C++ to asm.js, gives you a complete compiler toolchain from C and C++ to WebAssembly. This passes all of the relevant part of Emscripten's test suite (everything but some odd Emscripten features like split memory).
  • Polyfill WebAssembly, by running it in the interpreter compiled to JavaScript, if the browser does not yet have native support.

To provide those capabilities, Binaryen has a simple and flexible API for representing and processing WebAssembly modules. The interpreter, validator, pretty-printer, etc. are built on that foundation. The core of this is in wasm.h, which contains classes that define a WebAssembly module, and tools to process those. For a simple example of how to use Binaryen, see test/example/find_div0s.cpp, which creates a module and then searches it for a specific pattern.


This repository contains code that builds the following tools in bin/:

  • binaryen-shell: A shell that can load and interpret WebAssembly code in S-Expression format, as well as run transformation passes on it. It can also run the spec test suite.
  • asm2wasm: An asm.js-to-WebAssembly compiler, built on Emscripten's asm optimizer infrastructure. That can directly compile asm.js to WebAssembly.
  • wasm.js: A WebAssembly-to-JavaScript bridge. wasm.js contains Binaryen components compiled to JavaScript, including the interpreter, asm2wasm, the S-Expression parser, etc., which allow you to load WebAssembly and execute it even if the browser doesn't have native support yet. Having asm2wasm also gives the option to take an asm.js build and execute it as WebAssembly, which is useful for testing.

Usage instructions for each are below.


$ ./build.sh
  • binaryen-shell and asm2wasm require a C++11 compiler.
  • If you also want to compile C/C++ to WebAssembly (and not just asm.js to WebAssembly), you'll need Emscripten. You'll need the incoming branch there (which you can get via the SDK).
  • wasm.js also requires Emscripten.




bin/binaryen-shell [.wast file] [options] [passes, see --help] [--help]

The binaryen shell receives a .wast file as input, and can run transformation passes on it, as well as print it (before and/or after the transformations). For example, try

bin/binaryen-shell test/if_else.wast -print-before

That will pretty-print out one of the testcases in the test suite. To run a transformation pass on it, try

bin/binaryen-shell test/if_else.wast -print-before -print-after -lower-if-else

The lower-if-else pass lowers if-else into a block and a break. You can see the change the transformation causes by comparing the print before versus after.

It's easy to add your own transformation passes to the shell, just add .cpp files into src/passes, and rebuild the shell. For example code, take a look at the lower-if-else pass.

Some more notes:

  • See bin/binaryen-shell --help for the full list of options and passes.
  • Setting BINARYEN_DEBUG=1 in the env will emit some debugging info.



bin/asm2wasm [input.asm.js file]

This will print out a WebAssembly module in s-expression format to the console.

For example, try

$ bin/asm2wasm test/hello_world.asm.js

That input file contains

  function add(x, y) {
    x = x | 0;
    y = y | 0;
    return x + y | 0;

You should see something like this:

example output

On Linux and Mac you should see pretty colors as in that image. Set COLORS=0 in the env to disable colors if you prefer that. Set COLORS=1 in the env to force colors (useful when piping to more, for example).

Set ASM2WASM_DEBUG=1 in the env to see debug info, about asm.js functions as they are parsed, etc. 2 will show even more info.


Run Emscripten's emcc command, passing it an additional flag:

emcc -s 'BINARYEN="path-to-this-dir"' [whatever other emcc flags you want]

(Note the need for quotes on the path, and on the entire BINARYEN=.. argument, due to how shell argument parsing works.) The BINARYEN flag tells it to emit code using wasm.js, and where to find wasm.js itself. The output *.js file will then contain the entire polyfill (asm2wasm translator + wasm.js interpreter). The asm.js code will be in *.asm.js.

C/C++ Source => asm2wasm => WebAssembly

Using emcc you can generate asm.js files for direct parsing by asm2wasm on the commandline, for example using

emcc src.cpp -o a.html --separate-asm

That will emit a.html, a.js, and a.asm.js. That last file is the asm.js module, which you can pass into asm2wasm.

For basic tests, that command should work, but in general you need a few more arguments to emcc, see what emcc.py does when given the BINARYEN option, including:

  • ALIASING_FUNCTION_POINTERS=0 because WebAssembly does not allow aliased function pointers (there is a single table).
  • GLOBAL_BASE=1000 because WebAssembly lacks global variables, so asm2wasm maps them onto addresses in memory. This requires that you have some reserved space for those variables. With that argument, we reserve the area up to 1000.



(or python check.py) will run binaryen-shell, asm2wasm, and wasm.js on the testcases in test/, and verify their outputs.

The check.py script supports some options:

./check.py [--interpreter=/path/to/interpreter] [TEST1] [TEST2]..
  • If an interpreter is provided, we run the output through it, checking for parse errors.
  • If tests are provided, we run exactly those. If none are provided, we run them all.
  • asm2wasm tests require no dependencies. wasm.js tests require emcc and nodejs in the path.

License & Contributing

Same as Emscripten: MIT license.

(src/emscripten-optimizer is synced with tools/optimizer/ in the main emscripten repo, for convenience)

Design Principles

  • Interned strings for names: It's very convenient to have names on nodes, instead of just numeric indices etc. To avoid most of the performance difference between strings and numeric indices, all strings are interned, which means there is a single copy of each string in memory, string comparisons are just a pointer comparison, etc.
  • Allocate in arenas: Based on experience with other optimizing/transformating toolchains, it's not worth the overhead to carefully track memory of individual nodes. Instead, we allocate all elements of a module in an arena, and the entire arena can be freed when the module is no longer needed.


  • How does asm2wasm relate to the new WebAssembly backend which is being developed in upstream LLVM?

This is separate from that. asm2wasm focuses on compiling asm.js to WebAssembly, as emitted by Emscripten's asm.js backend. This is useful because while in the long term Emscripten hopes to use the new WebAssembly backend, the asm2wasm route is a very quick and easy way to generate WebAssembly output. It will also be useful for benchmarking the new backend as it progresses.

  • How about compiling asm.js to WebAssembly (the opposite direction of asm2wasm)? Wouldn't that be useful for polyfilling?

It would be useful, but it is a much harder task, due to some decisions made in WebAssembly. For example, WebAssembly can have control flow nested inside expressions, which can't directly map to asm.js. It could be supported by outlining the code to another function, or to compiling it down into new basic blocks and control-flow-free instructions, but it is hard to do so in a way that is both fast to do and emits code that is fast to execute. On the other hand, compiling asm.js to WebAssembly is almost straightforward.

  • Can asm2wasm compile any asm.js code?

Almost. Some decisions made in WebAssembly preclude that, for example, there are no global variables. That means that asm2wasm has to map asm.js global variables onto locations in memory, but then it must know of a safe zone in memory in which to do so, and that information is not directly available in asm.js.

asm2wasm and emcc_to_wasm.js.sh do some integration with Emscripten in order to work around these issues, like asking Emscripten to reserve same space for the globals, etc.

  • Why the weird name for the project?

"Binaryen" is a combination of binary - since WebAssembly is a binary format for the web - and Emscripten - with which it can integrate in order to compile C and C++ all the way to WebAssembly, via asm.js. Binaryen began as Emscripten's WebAssembly processing library (wasm-emscripten).

"Binaryen" is pronounced in the same manner as "Targaryen": bi-NAIR-ee-in. Valar Morcodeis.