
A simple Piet Mondrian-like generator written in golang.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status License: MIT


A simple Piet Mondrian-like generator written in golang.

Getting Started


You need a working Go installation. (1.7 or greater)


$ go get github.com/8lall0/GoMondrian


See the example.

How it works

It starts with an integer matrix filled with zeroes. Then it randomly select a cell (pixel) and checks about:

  • Borders (they must be not reachable from pixel plus surrounding padding)
  • Paddings (they must not reach other preesistent borders)

Then it goes straight on rows or columns (settings cells to 1): if both are possible, it randomly selects one road.

If you reach another border, it randomly selects if go across and "divide" another square.

After that, it randomly fills some squares with a number from 2 to 4 to select different colors.


Feel free to send pull requests, fork or send me suggestions.


  • Savino Pio Liguori


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • Strongly inspired by the work of FogleMan