
Simple React SPA that consumes a YouTube API JSON feed and displays a set of results within a playlist. Clicking each video will show a detail view with the ability to play the video.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple React SPA that consumes a YouTube API JSON feed and displays a set of results within a playlist. Clicking each video will show a detail view with the ability to play the video.

Demo available here

Time spent: 4 hours

Build Notes

  • Built in a TDD style (test first) using Jest & Enzyme
  • Only the functional requirements/tasks have been completed
  • Follows the React container/component pattern. Higher order functions / business logic handled in the containers whilst components are dumb/stateless
  • Markup follows the BEM CSS pattern
  • No styling - Responsive design is an area I'm highly experienced in. I've lead various custom greenfield responsive build projects as well as iterative piece by piece responsive build projects over the years.
  • No pagination added. See my NPM package on something which I would have liked to implement here
  • No animations/transitions - interaction design is something I'm experienced in and enjoy very much. See some animation examples here. Plenty of examples from private client work available on request


$ git clone git@github.com:tctc91/react-beyond-tech-test.git
$ npm i
$ npm start

Run Tests

$ npm run test