- Using GRAY
- CP210X driver
- https://m5stack.oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/resource/drivers/CP210x_VCP_MacOS.zip
- need to allow from System Preferences
- Boards manager
- Open Arduino IDE
- Arduino -> preferences -> Settings
- Input Additional Boards Manager URLs
- Tools -> Boards Manager
- Search esp32
- Install it (version was 1.0.4 when I did)
- Tools -> Board -> M5Stack-Core-ESP32
- M5Stack Library
- Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Labraries
- Search M5Stack
- Install M5Stack (vresion was 0.3.0 when I did)
- Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Labraries
- Port
- Tools -> Port -> Sfelect /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
- File -> Examples -> Examples from Custom Libraries -> M5Stack -> Game -> Tetris
- Compile and Upload
- Baud rate is 115200
exec: "python": executable file not found in $PATH
- After updating MacOS, this error happens.
- Arduino IDE seems to need python2, but the latest MacOS does not have paython2 on default.
- I put symlink to python3 as the name 'python'.
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python
$ python --version
Python 3.9.12
$ open /Applications/Arduino.app