
I'll be summarizing my readings from Martin Kleppmann's book Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems in this repo chapter by chapter in my own pace.

This might help people who do not have the time to read the 600+ page book or just wants to revise some lessons from the chapters. Anyone is welcome to proofread, suggest revisons and/or other changes.


How is this different from the book summary?

The books' chapter summaries are more focused on outlining what was learned rather than giving a short-form explanation of each chapter.

I've read the book and this is not accurate

Feel free to add suggestions, make edit requests, etc, this doc is highly paraphrased so I expect a lot of corrections down the line.

Strategy to use this repo

Read the chapter summary and if you get the gist of it, great, but if you find something confusing, deep-dive, into the book for that particular section.