
This program interacts with a DPI screen on raspberry pi when using HDMI.

Primary LanguageC


This little program interacts with a DPI screen on raspberry pi when using HDMI. Suitable and tested for Raspberry pi with retropie software. Draw user's BMP image, CPU temperature, CPU and memory load onto LCD screen.


  1. Copy it in /home/pi/lcd_screen directory
  2. MAKE: gcc ./lcd_screen/lcd.c -o ./lcd_screen/lcd
  3. CHMOD: chmod +x ./lcd_screen/lcd
  4. RUN: sudo ./lcd_screen/lcd path/file.bmp usec_per_frame

when "path/file.bmp" is bmp image, "usec_per_frame" is value in microsecons between frame.

File digits.bmp needs for normal works.