
Git workshop for apprentices @ 8th Light

Primary LanguageCSS

Advanced Git Workshop

The current slides for this workshop can be found in Google Drive.

Old Version of Slides

The slides can be found in slides.md. To build them I have used Marp Next, please check their documentation to get you set up. I personally have simply installed their VS Code extension, and that gets you going, but the CLI works just as well.

Slides Theme

The theme the project uses is haskell by @matsubara0507.

Compiling the Slides

To compile the slides into a nice PDF simply run:

npx @marp-team/marp-cli slide-deck.md --pdf --theme theme.css


Below you will find the different exercises which will be run through during the workshop.

Helpful Tools

Showing a Nice Diff Between Branches

git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative master..feature-branch

Reset Branch to Remote

git reset --hard origin/feature-branch

Git Rebase Exercise


Run Through

  1. Simple rebase + interactive rebase for squashing
  2. Interactive rebasing for doing both at the same time
  3. Let's go back – there's one change which hasn't caused a conflict, but is wrong. Fix it.
  4. Add a comment somewhere in the code, in the rebased commit, not a new one.
  5. Rewrite commit message after having finished rebasing
  6. Now let's reset the branch and redo this with git merge

Some Questions

  • Why did rebase not mark that one change as conflict? What's the lesson learnt here?
  • How could this whole situation have been avoided in the first place?
  • Once you've finished rebasing, would you force push the branch or create a new one? Why?
  • What's the main difference you've observed between merge and rebase? Which one makes you feel safer? Why? When would you use one or the other?

Git Merge Exercise


Some Questions

  • When merging master into feature-branch, which README does it keep? Why? Is it the same when we apply rebase?
  • Run the log after having used merge and after having used rebase. What differences can you see? Hint: use git log --one-line --decorate --color --graph
  • What is the difference between running git merge master in feature-branch and running git merge feature-branch in master? If you're not sure, run both and check the logs.
  • After doing the merge, if you run git log you'll see the merge commit has a special line saying: merge: commit1 commit2, do you know why?
  • If we git show the merge commit, what content is there? Hint: try running git show HEAD^...HEAD or git diff commit1...commit2

Bonus Git Bisect Exercise

Follow the instructions in https://github.com/8thlight/agw-bisect