
Bootstrap to install Miniconda, with sane defaults (see: http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html)

Primary LanguageShell

Conda Bootstrap Script

As you might expect, this script installs conda. Here are some parameters that might be useful while installing:

  • OS_TYPE: Use either Linux-x86_64.sh or MacOSX-x86_64.sh Default: Linux-x86_64.sh
  • MINICONDA_VARIANT: Specifies Python 2 vs Python 3(Specified with 2 or 3, respectively). Default: 3
  • MINICONDA_VER: Specifies which version of Miniconda to install. Default: 'latest'
  • PROFILE_FILE: Specifies user's preferred config file. Default: /etc/profile. Common alternatives might be ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
  • CONDA_INSTALL_PATH: Location to install conda. Default: /opt/conda
  • PROJ_DIR: Directory to be used for installing Miniconda. Default: $PWD


  • These values will determine where the installation/configuration of conda is saved, and they will have to be known to use conda on future logins.
    • In particular, PROFILE_FILE and PROFILE_DIR will need to be source-ed on login, so make sure your .bashrc/.zshrc/.profile/etc source them if they are not set to a non-default location.
    • CONDA_INSTALL_PATH will contain the conda binary, so you'll want $CONDA_INSTALL_PATH/bin on your PATH and you'll want CONDA_BIN_PATH to be set to that value. If you want access to conda on login, make sure your init files set these values accordingly.