
This is a basic c# project that is used as an admin panel for the auth "https://www.auth.gg".

Primary LanguageC#

Auth.gg-AdminPanel (SETUP)

*Setting up the panel is very simple , before building the program simply add your auth key !
*In panel.cs at the top look for "private static string AuthKey = ""; <- add between quotation marks
*Auth key can be found here -> https://auth.gg/dashboard/applications/settings.php
*If you get any designer issues on load press skip and build project !

Alt text


1 - Display total licences
2 - Display total users
3 - Grab information on single user
4 - Delete user
5 - Update a users password
6 - Grab licence key information
7 - Delete a licence
8 - Unuse a licence
9 - Use a licence
10 - Generate licences (parse json) to get raw key
11 - Reset HWID 
12 - Grab infomration on HWID 

Video preview

Video preview can be found here ! 

