
Sketch is a powerful and comprehensive image load library on Android, in addition to the basic functions, it also supports Jetpack Compose, GIF, SVG, video thumbnails, gesture zoom, huge images sampling, ExifInterface and other functions. Sketch 是 Android 上的一个强大且全面的图片加载库,除了基础功能外,还支持 Jetpack Compose、GIF、SVG、视频缩略图、手势缩放、超大图采样、ExifInterface 等功能。

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

logo_image Sketch Image Loader

Platform API License version_icon QQ Group

Sketch is a powerful and comprehensive image load library on Android, in addition to the basic functions, it also supports Jetpack Compose, GIF, SVG, video thumbnails, gesture zoom, huge images sampling, ExifInterface and other functions.
Sketch 是 Android 上的一个强大且全面的图片加载库,除了基础功能外,还支持 Jetpack Compose、GIF、SVG、视频缩略图、手势缩放、超大图采样、ExifInterface 等功能。


  • Support http, asset, content, android.resource and other URIs
  • Support playing GIFs, WebP, HEIF and other animated image
  • Support gesture zoom and large image sampling
  • Supports download, conversion results, and memory L3 cache
  • Support for correcting image orientation via Exif
  • Supports Base64, video frames, SVG images
  • Support for Jetpack Compose
  • Supports automatic resizing of images according to the size of the view
  • Supports loading only pictures to memory or downloading only pictures to disk
  • Supports various useful features such as saving cellular data
  • Support the extension of URI, cache, decoding, conversion, display, placeholder and other links
  • Based on Kotlin and Kotlin coroutines
  • 支持 http、asset、content、android.resource 等多种 URI
  • 支持播放 gif、webp、heif 等动图
  • 支持手势缩放及超大图采样
  • 支持下载、转换结果、内存三级缓存
  • 支持通过 Exif 纠正图片方向
  • 支持 Base64、视频帧、SVG 图片
  • 支持 Jetpack Compose
  • 支持根据 view 大小自动调整图片尺寸
  • 支持仅加载图片到内存或仅下载图片到磁盘
  • 支持节省蜂窝流量等各种实用功能
  • 支持对 URI、缓存、解码、转换、显示、占位图等各个环节的扩展
  • 基于 Kotlin 及 Kotlin 协程编写


Published to mavenCentral · 已发布到 mavenCentral

dependencies {

${LAST_VERSION}: Download (Not included 'v' · 不包含 'v')

There are also optional modules to extend the functionality of sketch:
还有一些可选的模块用来扩展 sketch 的功能:

dependencies {
    // Support for Jetpack Compose
    // 支持 Jetpack Compose

    // Supports useful features such as download progress mask, pause loading during list swipe, save cellular traffic, image type corner marker, load apk file and installed app icon
    // 支持下载进度蒙层、列表滑动中暂停加载、节省蜂窝流量、图片类型角标、加载 apk 文件和已安装 app 图标等实用功能

    // GifDrawable through Koral's android-gif-drawable library
    // 通过 koral 的 android-gif-drawable 库的 GifDrawable 实现 gif 播放

    // GIF playback is achieved through Android's built-in Movie class
    // 通过 Android 内置的 Movie 类实现 gif 播放

    // Support for OkHttp
    // 支持 OkHttp

    // SVG images are supported
    // 支持 SVG 图片

    // Video frames are read through Android's built-in MediaMetadataRetriever class
    // 通过 Android 内置的 MediaMetadataRetriever 类实现读取视频帧

    // Video frames are read through wseemann's FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever library
    // 通过 wseemann 的 FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever 库实现读取视频帧

    // Supports gesture zoom and jumbo sampling
    // 支持手势缩放以及超大图采样

R8 / Proguard

Sketch doesn't need to configure any obfuscation rules itself, but you may need to add obfuscation configurations for indirectly dependent Kotlin Coroutines, OkHttp, Okio.
Sketch 自己不需要配置任何混淆规则,但你可能需要为间接依赖的 Kotlin Coroutines, OkHttp, Okio 添加混淆配置

Get started/快速上手


Sketch provides a series of extended functions called displayImage for ImageView, which can easily display images
Sketch 为 ImageView 提供了一系列的名为 displayImage 的扩展函数,可以方便的显示图片

// http

// File

// asset

// There is a lot more...

You can also configure parameters through a trailing lambda function:
还可以通过尾随的 lambda 函数配置参数:

imageView.displayImage("https://www.sample.com/image.jpg") {
    // There is a lot more...

Jetpack Compose

Need import sketch-compose module · 需要导入 sketch-compose 模块

  imageUri = "https://www.sample.com/image.jpg",
  modifier = Modifier.size(300.dp, 200.dp),
  contentScale = ContentScale.Crop,
  contentDescription = ""

// config params
  rqeuest = DisplayRequest(LocalContext.current, "https://www.sample.com/image.jpg") {
    // There is a lot more...
  modifier = Modifier.size(300.dp, 200.dp),
  contentScale = ContentScale.Crop,
  contentDescription = ""


Basic features/基础功能:

Featured features/特色功能:


Please review the CHANGELOG.md file
请查看 CHANGELOG.md 文件

About version 3.0/关于 3.0 版本

  • The maven groupId was changed to 'io.github.panpf.sketch3', so version 2.* will not prompt for an upgrade
  • The package name was changed to 'com.github.panpf.sketch' so it does not conflict with version 2.*
  • Based on the kotlin coroutine rewrite, APIs and functions are all refactored as a new library
  • There is no longer a requirement to use a SketchImageView, any ImageView and its subclasses will do, and any View can be supported in combination with a custom Target
  • The Zoom function is split into independent modules that can be relied on separately, and the large image sampling function is refactored and supports multi-threaded decoding, which is faster
  • The gif module now directly depends on the android-gif-drawable library, no longer modified twice, and can be upgraded by itself
  • Support for Jetpack Compose
  • Support for request and decode interceptors
  • Referring to coil v2.2.0 and combining with the original functionality of sketch, there are the following differences compared to coil:
    • sketch supports a minimum of API 16, while coil supports only API 21
    • Sketch supports bitmap reuse, while coil does not
    • Sketch supports more granular resizing of images
    • sketch clearly distinguishes between display, load, and download requests
    • sketch provides image scaling and display components and supports large image sampling
  • maven groupId 改为 io.github.panpf.sketch3,因此 2.* 版本不会提示升级
  • 包名改为 com.github.panpf.sketch 因此与 2.* 版本不会冲突
  • 基于 kotlin 协程重写,API、功能实现全部重构,当一个新的库用
  • 不再要求必须使用 SketchImageView,任何 ImageView 及其子类都可以,结合自定义 Target 可以支持任意 View
  • Zoom 功能拆分成独立的可单独依赖的模块并且超大图采样功能重构且支持多线程解码速度更快
  • gif 模块现在直接依赖 android-gif-drawable 库不再二次修改,可自行升级
  • 支持 Jetpack Compose
  • 支持请求和解码拦截器
  • 参考 coil v2.2.0 版本并结合 sketch 原有功能实现,对比 coil 有以下区别:
    • sketch 最低支持 API 16,而 coil 最低仅支持 API 21
    • sketch 支持 bitmap 复用,而 coil 不支持
    • sketch 支持更加精细化的调整图片大小
    • sketch 明确区分显示、加载、下载请求
    • sketch 提供了图片缩放显示组件并且支持超大图采样

Special thanks/特别感谢


Copyright (C) 2022 panpf <panpfpanpf@outlook.com>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.