
EndToEnd Anonymus chatting app. With Rust Backend and Android support. +Webapp

Primary LanguageMakefile

CocoChat (Is no longer maintained and shouldnt be maintained because i am making 3x100project)

EndToEnd Anonymus chatting app. With Rust Backend and Android support. +Webapp



1 - Backend. (Routed trought tor) -- Not so true 2. Webapp -- I need more developers cuz the current ones cannot code js well 3. Windows Application -- When i finished the backend 4. Android App -- I rly need some kotlin bois 5. IOS Optimized Webapp ( :( apple doesn't like windows users, thats why an webapp :( )

How it SHOULD work: (the app may not look like this. Btw this is my first big project and i dont have much experience in cryptography )

In this "App" nobody is requiered to use a Username or Email.
Its like a Crypto Wallet, a random 26 word key gets generated and hashed and then sent to a database, the hash (that name key) will be saved in a database with a random SHA256.

The SHA256 will be called (UserID).

But who wants an 256 character long ID to identify people.

Thats where the "AnoNumber" comes in place, this is a 7 digit number like a username but not tied to one. And every 6 Hours the numbers will be increased by one. To make tracing harder.

Here is an Example:

Your AnoNumber 6:00 (AM) = 500000 Your AnoNumber 12:00 (AM) = 500001

But what if my number reaches 9999999 ? it will begin at 1 if not avalible you will have to wait 6 Hours

But why is the number changing ? To make you more untracable.

Planed features for CocoChat:

  • Encrypted Texting (surprise)
  • The Message will stay encrypted until the reciever opens the app and presses on the message to enter thier own password
  • Everything is routed trough tor.
  • Onion Webapp and Normal Webapp (not that secure for you :( )
  • Voice Messaging (and options to pitch your voice)
  • Bluetooth Messaging if you dont have internet but your friend does your messages get routed trough his phone. (He will not see them)