
Pytorch implementation of Shift-Net: Image Inpainting via Deep Feature Rearrangement (ECCV, 2018)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

New training strategy

I release a new training strategy that helps deal with random mask training by reducing color shifting at the cost of about 30% training time increase. It is quite useful when adopting in face inpainiting. Set --which_model_netG='face_unet_shift_triple' and --model='face_shiftnet' and --batchSize=1to carry out the strategy.

See some examples below, many approaches suffer from such color shifting when training with random masks on face datasets.

Input Navie Shift Flip Shift Ground-truth

Note: When you use face_flip training strategy, it suffers some minor drawbacks:

  1. It is not fully-parallel compared with original shift.
  2. It can only be trained with 'cpu' or a single gpu, the batchSize must be 1, or it occurs an error.

If you want to conquer these drawbacks, you can optimize it by referring to original shift. It is not difficult, however, I do not have time to do it.


Shift layer


  • Linux or Windows.
  • Python 2 or Python 3.
  • Tested on pytorch >= 1.2

Getting Started


pip install visdom
pip install dominate
  • Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/Zhaoyi-Yan/Shift-Net_pytorch
cd Shift-Net_pytorch

Trained models

Usually, I would like to suggest you just pull the latest code and train by following the instructions.

However, for now, several models have been trained and uploaded.

Mask Paris CelebaHQ_256
center-mask ok ok
random mask(from partial conv) ok ok

For CelebaHQ_256 dataset: I select the first 2k images in CelebaHQ_256 for testing, the rest are for training.

python train.py --loadSize=256 --batchSize=1 --model='face_shiftnet' --name='celeb256' --which_model_netG='face_unet_shift_triple' --niter=30 --datarooot='./datasets/celeba-256/train'

Mention: loadSize should be 256 for face datasets, meaning direct resize the input image to 256x256.

The following some results on celebaHQ-256 and Paris.

Specially, for training models of random masks, we adopt the masks of partial conv(only the masks of which the ratio of masked region is 20~30% are used.)

Input Results Ground-truth

For testing, please read the documnent carefully.

Pretrained model for face center inpainting are available:

bash download_models.sh

Rename face_center_mask.pth to 30_net_G.pth, and put it in the folder ./log/face_center_mask_20_30(if not existed, create it)

python test.py --which_model_netG='unet_shift_triple' --model='shiftnet' --name='face_center_mask_20_30' --which_epoch=30

For face random inpainting, it is trained with --which_model_netG='face_unet_shift_triple' and --model='face_shiftnet'. Rename face_flip_random.pth to 30_net_G.pth and set which_model_netG='face_unet_shift_triple' and --model='face_shiftnet' when testing.

Similarity, for paris random inpainting, rename paris_random_mask_20_30.pth to 30_net_G.pth, and put it in the folder ./log/paris_random_mask_20_30(if not existed, create it) Then test the model:

python test.py --which_epoch=30 --name='paris_random_mask_20_30' --offline_loading_mask=1 --testing_mask_folder='masks' --dataroot='./datasets/celeba-256/test' --norm='instance'

Mention, your own masks should be prepared in the folder testing_mask_folder in advance.

For other models, I think you know how to evaluate them. For models trained with center mask, make sure --mask_type='center' --offline_loading_mask=0.

Train models

  • Download your own inpainting datasets.

  • Train a model: Please read this paragraph carefully before running the code.

Usually, we train/test navie shift-net with center mask.

python train.py --batchsize=1 --use_spectral_norm_D=1 --which_model_netD='basic' --mask_type='center' --which_model_netG='unet_shift_triple' --model='shiftnet' --shift_sz=1 --mask_thred=1 

For some datasets, such as CelebA, some images are smaller than 256*256, so you need add --loadSize=256 when training, it is important.

  • To view training results and loss plots, run python -m visdom.server and click the URL http://localhost:8097. The checkpoints will be saved in ./log by default.

DO NOT set batchsize larger than 1 for square mask training, the performance degrades a lot(I don't know why...) For random mask(mask_sub_type is NOT rect or your own random masks), the training batchsize can be larger than 1 without hurt of performance.

Random mask training(both online and offline) are also supported.

Personly, I would like to suggest you to loading the masks offline(similar as partial conv). Please refer to section Masks.

Test the model

Keep the same settings as those during training phase to avoid errors or bad performance

For example, if you train patch soft shift-net, then the following testing command is appropriate.

python test.py --fuse=1/0 --which_model_netG='patch_soft_unet_shift_triple' --model='patch_soft_shiftnet' --shift_sz=3 --mask_thred=4 

The test results will be saved to a html file here: ./results/.


Usually, Keep the same setting of masks of between training and testing. It is because the performance is highly-related to the masks your applied in training. The consistency of training and testing masks are crucial to get good performance.

training testing
center-mask center-mask
random-square All
random All
your own masks your own masks

It means that if you taining a model with center-mask, then test it usin

Training by online-generating marks

We offer three types of online-generating masks: center-mask, random_square and random_mask. If you want to train on your own masks silimar like partial conv, ref to Training on your own masks.

Training on your own masks

It now supports both online-generating and offline-loading for training and testing. We generate masks online by default, however, set --offline_loading_mask=1 when you want to train/test with your own prepared masks. The prepared masks should be put in the folder --training_mask_folder and --testing_mask_folder.

Masks when training

For each batch, then:

  • Generating online: masks are the same for each image in a batch.(To save computation)
  • Loading offline: masks are loaded randomly for each image in a batch.

Using Switchable Norm instead of Instance/Batch Norm

For fixed mask training, Switchable Norm delivers better stableness when batchSize > 1. Please use switchable norm when you want to training with batchsize is large, much more stable than instance norm or batchnorm!

Extra variants

These 3 models are just for fun

For res patch soft shift-net:

python train.py --batchSize=1 --which_model_netG='res_patch_soft_unet_shift_triple' --model='res_patch_soft_shiftnet' --shift_sz=3 --mask_thred=4

For res navie shift-net:

python train.py --which_model_netG='res_unet_shift_triple' --model='res_shiftnet' --shift_sz=1 --mask_thred=1

For patch soft shift-net:

python train.py --which_model_netG='patch_soft_unet_shift_triple' --model='patch_soft_shiftnet' --shift_sz=3 --mask_thred=4

DO NOT change the shift_sz and mask_thred. Otherwise, it errors with a high probability.

For patch soft shift-net or res patch soft shift-net. You may set fuse=1 to see whether it delivers better results(Mention, you need keep the same setting between training and testing).

New things that I want to add

  • Make U-Net handle with inputs of any sizes.
  • Update the code for pytorch >= 1.0.
  • Guides of our code, we hope it helps you understand our code more easily.
  • Add more GANs, like spectural norm and relativelistic GAN.
  • Boost the efficiency of shift layer.
  • Directly resize the global_mask to get the mask in feature space.
  • Visualization of flow. It is still experimental now.
  • Extensions of Shift-Net. Still active in absorbing new features.
  • Fix bug in guidance loss when adopting it in multi-gpu.
  • Add composit L1 loss between mask loss and non-mask loss
  • Finish optimizing soft-shift.
  • Add mask varaint in a batch.
  • Support Online-generating/Offline-loading prepared masks for training/testing.
  • Add VGG loss and TV loss
  • Fix performance degradance when batchsize is larger than 1.
  • Make it compatible for Pytorch 1.2
  • Training with mixed type of masks.
  • Add gated conv.
  • Try different network architecture.

Somethings extra I have tried

Gated Conv: I have tried gated conv(by replacing the normal convs of UNet with gated conv, expect the innermost/outermost layer). However, I get no benifits. Maybe I should try replacing all layers with gated conv. I will try again when I am free.

Non local block: I added, but seems worse. Maybe I haven't add the blocks on the proper postion. (It makes the training time increase a lot. So I am not in favor of it.)


If you find this work useful or gives you some insights, please cite:

author = {Yan, Zhaoyi and Li, Xiaoming and Li, Mu and Zuo, Wangmeng and Shan, Shiguang},
title = {Shift-Net: Image Inpainting via Deep Feature Rearrangement},
booktitle = {The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
month = {September},
year = {2018}


We benefit a lot from pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix