Use inside 90POE

  1. Generate proper access url for given channel stream-tools
cd stream-tools
make build
ENV=local ./stream-tools token CHANNELID

d0170f81-78ff-4ef2-a5e6-6075487cbed: http://localhost:3000/?apikey=m7dwyc5hqjwf&user=d0170f81-78ff-4ef2-a5e6-6075487cbed3&user_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2MzY5NzYzNjAsInVzZXJfaWQiOiJkMDE3MGY4MS03OGZmLTRlZjItYTVlNi02MDc1NDg3Y2JlZDMifQ.CzS2EhQ-qvcp3blstRezyOTy-itRNpXufxpl-aflGLg&channelId=CHANNELID
  1. Prepare UI for testing (development release)
cd team/
# check the filter(s) in `src/App.js:39`, defaults to `OnRadar` type
# use yarn or npm - both shall work
yarn && yarn start
# close http://localhost:3000 and open a generated URL above




  • Use environment vars for apiKeys etc
  • Make sure apiKey/userId/userToken can be set through queryParams