
Redis rdb CLI : A CLI tool that can parse, filter, split, merge rdb and analyze memory usage offline.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A tool that can parse, filter, split, merge rdb and analyze memory usage offline.

Binary release

binary releases

Runtime requirement

jdk 1.8+


wget https://github.com/leonchen83/redis-rdb-cli/releases/download/${version}/redis-rdb-cli-release.zip
unzip redis-rdb-cli-release.zip
cd .redis-rdb-cli/bin
./rct -h

Compile requirement

jdk 1.8+

Compile & run

git clone https://github.com/leonchen83/redis-rdb-cli.git
cd redis-rdb-cli
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
cd target/redis-rdb-cli-release/redis-rdb-cli/bin
./rct -h 

Run in docker

docker run -it --rm redisrdbcli/redis-rdb-cli
rct -v

Windows Environment Variables

Add /path/to/redis-rdb-cli/bin to Path environment variable


usage: rct -f <format> -s <source> -o <file> [-d <num num...>] [-e
           <escape>] [-k <regex regex...>] [-t <type type...>] [-b
           <bytes>] [-l <n>] [-r]

 -b,--bytes <bytes>          limit memory output(--format mem) to keys
                             greater to or equal to this value (in bytes)
 -d,--db <num num...>        database number. multiple databases can be
                             provided. if not specified, all databases
                             will be included.
 -e,--escape <escape>        escape strings to encoding: raw (default),
 -f,--format <format>        format to export. valid formats are json,
                             dump, diff, key, keyval, count, mem and resp
 -h,--help                   rct usage.
 -k,--key <regex regex...>   keys to export. this can be a regex. if not
                             specified, all keys will be returned.
 -l,--largest <n>            limit memory output(--format mem) to only the
                             top n keys (by size).
 -o,--out <file>             output file.
 -r,--replace                whether the generated aof with <replace>
                             parameter(--format dump). if not specified,
                             default value is false.
 -s,--source <source>        <source> eg:
 -t,--type <type type...>    data type to export. possible values are
                             string, hash, set, sortedset, list, module,
                             stream. multiple types can be provided. if
                             not specified, all data types will be
 -v,--version                rct version.

 rct -f dump -s ./dump.rdb -o ./appendonly.aof -r
 rct -f resp -s redis:// -o ./target.aof -d 0 1
 rct -f json -s ./dump.rdb -o ./target.json -k user.* product.*
 rct -f mem -s ./dump.rdb -o ./target.aof -e redis -t list -l 10 -b 1024
usage: rmt -s <source> [-m <uri> | -c <file>] [-d <num num...>] [-k <regex
           regex...>] [-t <type type...>] [-r] [-l]

 -c,--config <file>          migrate data to cluster via redis cluster's
                             <nodes.conf> file, if specified, no need to
                             specify --migrate.
 -d,--db <num num...>        database number. multiple databases can be
                             provided. if not specified, all databases
                             will be included.
 -h,--help                   rmt usage.
 -k,--key <regex regex...>   keys to export. this can be a regex. if not
                             specified, all keys will be returned.
 -l,--legacy                 if specify the <replace> and this parameter.
                             then use lua script to migrate data to
                             target. if target redis version is greater
                             than 3.0. no need to add this parameter.
 -m,--migrate <uri>          migrate to uri. eg:
 -r,--replace                replace exist key value. if not specified,
                             default value is false.
 -s,--source <source>        <source> eg:
 -t,--type <type type...>    data type to export. possible values are
                             string, hash, set, sortedset, list, module,
                             stream. multiple types can be provided. if
                             not specified, all data types will be
 -v,--version                rmt version.

 rmt -s ./dump.rdb -c ./nodes.conf -t string -r
 rmt -s ./dump.rdb -m redis:// -t list -d 0
 rmt -s redis:// -m redis:// -d 0
usage: rdt [-b <source> | -s <source> -c <file> | -m <file file...>] -o
           <file> [-d <num num...>] [-k <regex regex...>] [-t <type

 -b,--backup <source>        backup <source> to local rdb file. eg:
 -c,--config <file>          redis cluster's <nodes.conf> file(--split
 -d,--db <num num...>        database number. multiple databases can be
                             provided. if not specified, all databases
                             will be included.
 -h,--help                   rdt usage.
 -k,--key <regex regex...>   keys to export. this can be a regex. if not
                             specified, all keys will be returned.
 -m,--merge <file file...>   merge multi rdb files to one rdb file.
 -o,--out <file>             if --backup <source> or --merge <file
                             file...> specified. the <file> is the target
                             file. if --split <source> specified. the
                             <file> is the target path.
 -s,--split <source>         split rdb to multi rdb files via cluster's
                             <nodes.conf>. eg:
 -t,--type <type type...>    data type to export. possible values are
                             string, hash, set, sortedset, list, module,
                             stream. multiple types can be provided. if
                             not specified, all data types will be
 -v,--version                rdt version.

 rdt -b ./dump.rdb -o ./dump.rdb1 -d 0 1
 rdt -b redis:// -o ./dump.rdb -k user.*
 rdt -m ./dump1.rdb ./dump2.rdb -o ./dump.rdb -t hash
 rdt -s ./dump.rdb -c ./nodes.conf -o /path/to/folder -t hash -d 0
 rdt -s redis:// -c ./nodes.conf -o /path/to/folder -d 0


rct, rdt and rmt all these commands support data filter by type,db and key RegEx(Java style).
For example:

rct -f dump -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.aof -d 0
rct -f dump -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.aof -t string hash
rmt -s /path/to/dump.rdb -m redis:// -r -d 0 1 -t list

Redis mass insertion

rct -f dump -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.aof -r
cat /path/to/dump.aof | /redis/src/redis-cli -p 6379 --pipe

Convert rdb to dump format

rct -f dump -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.aof

Convert rdb to json format

rct -f json -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.json

Numbers of key in rdb

rct -f count -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.csv

Find top 50 largest keys

rct -f mem -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.mem -l 50

Diff rdb

rct -f diff -s /path/to/dump1.rdb -o /path/to/dump1.diff
rct -f diff -s /path/to/dump2.rdb -o /path/to/dump2.diff
diff /path/to/dump1.diff /path/to/dump2.diff

Convert rdb to RESP

rct -f resp -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/appendonly.aof

Migrate rdb to remote redis

rmt -s /path/to/dump.rdb -m redis:// -r

Migrate rdb to remote redis cluster

rmt -s /path/to/dump.rdb -c ./nodes-30001.conf -r

or simply use following cmd without nodes-30001.conf

rmt -s /path/to/dump.rdb -m redis:// -r

Backup remote redis's rdb

rdt -b redis:// -o /path/to/dump.rdb

Filter rdb

rdt -b /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/filtered-dump.rdb -d 0 -t string

Split rdb via cluster's nodes.conf

rdt -s ./dump.rdb -c ./nodes.conf -o /path/to/folder -d 0

Merge multi rdb to one

rdt -m ./dump1.rdb ./dump2.rdb -o ./dump.rdb -t hash

Other parameter

More configurable parameter can be modified in /path/to/redis-rdb-cli/conf/redis-rdb-cli.conf


Since v0.1.9, the rct -f mem support showing result in grafana dashboard like the following:

If you want to turn it on. you MUST install docker and docker-compose first, the installation please refer to docker
Then run the following command:

cd /path/to/redis-rdb-cli/dashboard

# start
docker-compose up -d

# stop
docker-compose down

cd /path/to/redis-rdb-cli/conf/redis-rdb-cli.conf
Then change parameter metric_gateway from none to prometheus.

Open http://localhost:3000 to check the rct -f mem's result.

If you deployed this tool in multi instance, you need to change parameter metric_memory_job_name and metric_endpoint_job_name to make sure unique between instances.

Hack rmt

Rmt threading model

The rmt command use the following 4 parameters(redis-rdb-cli.conf) to migrate data to remote.


The most important parameter is migrate_threads=4. this means we use the following threading model to migrate data.

single redis ----> single redis

+--------------+         +----------+     thread 1      +--------------+
|              |    +----| Endpoint |-------------------|              |
|              |    |    +----------+                   |              |
|              |    |                                   |              |
|              |    |    +----------+     thread 2      |              |
|              |    |----| Endpoint |-------------------|              |
|              |    |    +----------+                   |              |
| Source Redis |----|                                   | Target Redis |
|              |    |    +----------+     thread 3      |              |
|              |    |----| Endpoint |-------------------|              |
|              |    |    +----------+                   |              |
|              |    |                                   |              |
|              |    |    +----------+     thread 4      |              |
|              |    +----| Endpoint |-------------------|              |
+--------------+         +----------+                   +--------------+
single redis ----> redis cluster

+--------------+         +----------+     thread 1      +--------------+
|              |    +----| Endpoints|-------------------|              |
|              |    |    +----------+                   |              |
|              |    |                                   |              |
|              |    |    +----------+     thread 2      |              |
|              |    |----| Endpoints|-------------------|              |
|              |    |    +----------+                   |              |
| Source Redis |----|                                   | Redis cluster|
|              |    |    +----------+     thread 3      |              |
|              |    |----| Endpoints|-------------------|              |
|              |    |    +----------+                   |              |
|              |    |                                   |              |
|              |    |    +----------+     thread 4      |              |
|              |    +----| Endpoints|-------------------|              |
+--------------+         +----------+                   +--------------+

The difference between cluster migration and single migration is Endpoint and Endpoints. In cluster migration the Endpoints contains multi Endpoint to point to every master instance in cluster. For example:

3 masters 3 replicas redis cluster. if migrate_threads=4 then we have 3 * 4 = 12 connections that connected with master instance.

Migration performance

The following 3 parameters affect migration performance


By default we use redis pipeline to migrate data to remote. the migrate_batch_size is the pipeline batch size. if migrate_batch_size=1 then the pipeline devolved into 1 single command to sent and wait the response from remote. The migrate_retries=1 means if socket error occurred. we recreate a new socket and retry to send that failed command to target redis with migrate_retries times. The migrate_flush=yes means we write every 1 command to socket. then we invoke SocketOutputStream.flush() immediately. if migrate_flush=no we invoke SocketOutputStream.flush() when write to socket every 64KB. notice that this parameter also affect migrate_retries. the migrate_retries only take effect when migrate_flush=yes

Migration principle

+---------------+             +-------------------+    restore      +---------------+ 
|               |             | redis dump format |---------------->|               |
|               |             |-------------------|    restore      |               |
|               |   convert   | redis dump format |---------------->|               |
|    Dump rdb   |------------>|-------------------|    restore      |  Targe Redis  |
|               |             | redis dump format |---------------->|               |
|               |             |-------------------|    restore      |               |
|               |             | redis dump format |---------------->|               |
+---------------+             +-------------------+                 +---------------+

limitation of cluster migration

We use cluster's nodes.conf to migrate data to cluster. because of we did't handle the MOVED ASK redirection. so the only limitation is that the cluster MUST in stable state during the migration. this means the cluster MUST have no migrating, importing slot and no switch slave to master.
