
Wallpaper changer scripts for Openbox and Conky. Changes conky text colors.

Primary LanguageShell

##Wallpaper Changer for Openbox & Conky

This contains two shell scripts, and there are a few options to get these working. Timechanger.sh is a script that I grabbed and modded from a comment on stackoverflow. It just runs in the background when you add it to ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh and changes every X minutes. That's a possibility, but the 'best practices' way would probably be to set up a cron job to execute wallchange.sh.

Wallchange.sh itself is just running the feh command to grab a random wallpaper from your folder and change it. Combined with ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml, you can bind it to a keybind (as in the example rc.xml) to change your wallpaper at will.

It uses imagemagick convert to convert your wallpaper into a 1x1 image, and then inverts the color (for use with conky text colors.)

.conkyrc is a modified version of HaxOS

Scripts for imagemagick/etc based on scripts posted on reddit by user maybe_born_with_it, but converted for use with feh and so on.

Fun fact: The keybind wallpaper changer was dreamed up at B-Sides Tampa, when a CTF judge was forced to look at my felix argyle catgirl wallpaper. Don't google that. Any of that.

    <!-- USER DEFINED -->
    <keybind key="A-W">
      <action name="Execute">
	<command>bash ~/code/bash/wallchanger/wallchange.sh</command>

Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text