Pinned Repositories
In this project the leak in the pipe causes a drop in water level, the sensor signals through a buzzer, prompting the motor to turn off, preventing further water loss and damages
THIS PROJECT is used to extinguish the fire and avoid the collateral damage and give prior indication of the fire out come in the locality.
THIS PROJECT is used to over come the faults and the signal drops in the 5G communication.
THIS PROJECT is used to over come the faults and the power loss through the power lines and detect the fault and cutoff the powersupply in the area.
927621Bec182's Repositories
In this project the leak in the pipe causes a drop in water level, the sensor signals through a buzzer, prompting the motor to turn off, preventing further water loss and damages
THIS PROJECT is used to over come the faults and the power loss through the power lines and detect the fault and cutoff the powersupply in the area.
THIS PROJECT is used to extinguish the fire and avoid the collateral damage and give prior indication of the fire out come in the locality.
THIS PROJECT is used to over come the faults and the signal drops in the 5G communication.