Marvel Characters portfolio
Very - very very - minimalist portfolio of Marvel Characters based on Marvel API
❯ git clone
❯ cd marvel
- Bootstrapped with create-react-app 3.0.1
- Based on React Hooks (at least React 16.8)
- Yarn is the package manager
- Hosted by Docker if needed
Base url of the proxy server api
Determine the way to host the client files generated by create-react-app
the Marvel Comics API public key
the Marvel Comics API private key
## sandbox for dev purpose
## will start the client and server side in containers
## Before create at least server/.env with the Marvel keys
❯ make sandbox
❯ make install
## create client/.env and server/.env files with the right env variables
❯ make sandbox-local
## build and start a ready-production web application with docker
❯ make build
❯ make build-local
- 🦸 Display a grid of characters (name, thumbnail, number of comics and series)
- 📄 Paginate and/or select a given page
- 🗃️ Loading placeholder during characters fetching
- 💯 Set limit per page
- 🔤 Order by name or modification date
❯ make deploy