
Work with nested objects is easy with a bubble-gum.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Coverage Status Build Status license David npm

Work with nested objects is easy with a bubble-gum-tool.


You can install bubble-gum-tools using npm.

npm install --save bubble-gum-tools

Or you can also get a modularized package per each method.

API Reference





Callback at the end of the loop



const bubbleGumTools = require('bubble-gum-tools');

const nestedObj = {
  root: [{
    foo: 'bar',

// get
const foo = bubbleGumTools.get(nestedObj, ['root', 0, 'foo']);
console.log(foo);   //  => 'bar'

// has
const existsFoo = bubbleGumTools.has(nestedObj, ['root', 0, 'foo']);
console.log(existsFoo); // => true

// set
bubbleGumTools.set(nestedObj, ['root', 0, 'foo'], 'newBar');
console.log(nestedObj);   //  => { root: [{ foo: 'newBar' }] }

// slice
const sObject = bubbleGumTools.slice(nestedObj, [{
  path: ['root', 0, 'foo'],
  newPath: ['newFoo'],
console.log(sObject);   // => { newFoo: 'newBar' }

// create
const cObject = bubbleGumTools.create(['other-root', 0, 'other-foo'], 'other-bar');
console.log(cObject); // => { 'other-root': [{ 'other-foo': 'other-bar' }] }

// goto
const resultGOTO = bubbleGumTools.goto(['other-root', 0, 'other-foo'], ({ current, key }) => ({
  [key]: current,
console.log(resultGOTO); // => { 'other-foo': 'other-bar' }

bubble-gum-tools.create(path, initValue) ⇒ Object | Array

It creates a new object or an initialized array depending on the input path

Kind: static method of bubble-gum-tools
Returns: Object | Array - output - The new array or new object with the input path structure

Param Type Description
path Array Input path with the structure
initValue * Initial value for the end of the input path structure


 const create = require('bubble-gum-tools').create;

 // create nested arrays
 const nestedArray = create([0, 2, 0], 'bar');
 console.log(nestedArray); // => [ [ , , [ 'bar' ] ] ]

 // create nested objects
 const nestedObject = create(['root', 'foo', 'bar'], 'bar');
 console.log(nestedObject); // => { root: { foo: { bar: 'bar' } } }

 // no defined value
 const noDefaultVal = get(target, ['no', 'defined']);
 console.log(noDefaultVal); // => undefined

 // create both
 const mixed = create([0, 'nested', 'key'], 'value');
 console.log(mixed); // => [ { nested: { key: 'value' } } ]

bubble-gum-tools.goto(path, fn) ⇒ function

It receives a input path and a callback(actionCallback), It returns the function _goto, the _goto function receives a target object or target array, when the _goto is called, this navigates the target object or target array using the input path, when it reaches the end of the path, _goto executs the callback and returns the result

Kind: static method of bubble-gum-tools

Param Type Description
path Array Path to property
fn actionCallback Callback with the action that will be called at the end of the path


const goto = require('bubble-gum-tools').goto;

const target = {
  root: {
    foo: 'bar',

goto(['root', 'foo'], (result) => {
  const {
  } = result;
  console.log(indexPath);  // =>  1
  console.log(previous);  // => { foo: 'bar' }
  console.log(target);  // => { root: { foo: 'bar' }, arr: [ [ [Object] ] ] }
  console.log(current);  // => bar
  console.log(key);  // => foo

const result = goto(['root', 'foo'], ({current, key}) => (current + '-' + key))(target);
console.log(result); // => bar-foo

bubble-gum-tools.get(target, path, [defaultValue]) ⇒ *

It gets a property from a nested object or a nested array using an array path

Kind: static method of bubble-gum-tools
Returns: * - propertyValue

Param Type Description
target Object | Array Target object or target array
path Array Path to property
[defaultValue] * Value to be returned in case the property does not exist


 const get = require('bubble-gum-tools').get;

 const target = {
   root: {
     foo: 'bar',
   arr: [[

 // Working with nested objects
 const bar = get(target, ['root', 'foo']);
 console.log(bar); // => 'bar'

 // Working with nested arrays
 const baz = get(target, ['arr', 0, 0, 0]);
 console.log(baz); // => 'baz'

 // Set a default
 const defaultVal = get(target, ['no', 'defined'], 'default');
 console.log(defaultVal); // => 'default'

bubble-gum-tools.has(target, path, [isStrict]) ⇒ Boolean

It checks if the property exists in a nested object or a nested array using an array path

Kind: static method of bubble-gum-tools
Returns: Boolean - exists - Returns if the property exists

Param Type Default Description
target Object | Array Target object or target array
path Array Path to property
[isStrict] Boolean false is strict


 const has = require('bubble-gum-tools').has;

 const target1 = {
   root: {
     foo: 'bar',
   arr: [[

 const existsBar = has(target1, ['root', 'foo']);
 console.log(existsBar); // => true

 const existsBaz = has(target1, ['arr', 0, 0, 0]);
 console.log(existsBaz); // => true

 const noExists = has(target1, ['no', 'defined']);
 console.log(noExists); // => false

isStrict = false

 const has = require('bubble-gum-tools').has;

 const target = {
   root: {
     zero: 0,
     null: null,
     empty: '',
     false: false,

 const isNotStrict = false;
 const noStrictZero = has(target, ['root', 'zero'], isNotStrict);
 console.log(noStrictZero); // => false
 const noStrictNull = has(target, ['root', 'null'], isNotStrict);
 console.log(noStrictNull); // => false
 const noStrictEmpty = has(target, ['root', 'empty'], isNotStrict);
 console.log(noStrictEmpty); // => false
 const noStrictFalse = has(target, ['root', 'false'], isNotStrict);
 console.log(noStrictFalse); // => false

isStrict = true

 const has = require('bubble-gum-tools').has;

 const target = {
   root: {
     zero: 0,
     null: null,
     empty: '',
     false: false,

 const isStrict = true;
 const strictZero = has(target, ['root', 'zero'], isStrict);
 console.log(strictZero); // => true
 const strictEmpty = has(target, ['root', 'empty'], isStrict);
 console.log(strictEmpty); // => true
 const strictNull = has(target, ['root', 'null'], isStrict);
 console.log(strictNull); // => false
 const strictFalse = has(target, ['root', 'false'], isStrict);
 console.log(strictFalse); // => false

bubble-gum-tools.set(target, path, valueToSet)

It sets a new value in a nested object or a nested array using an array path, if the path does not exist create this

Kind: static method of bubble-gum-tools

Param Type Description
target Object | Array Target object or target array
path Array Path to property
valueToSet * Value to set in target


const set = require('bubble-gum-tools').set;

const target = {
  root: {
    foo: 'bar',
  arr: [[

set(target, ['root', 'foo'], 'newbar');
console.log(target.root.foo); // => 'newbar'

set(target, ['arr', 0, 0, 0], 'newbaz');
console.log(target.arr[0][0][0]); // => 'newbaz'

set(target, ['root', 'foo2'], 'foo2');
console.log(target.root.foo2); // => 'foo2'

set(target, ['arr', 0, 0, 1], 'newbaz2');
console.log(target.arr[0][0][1]); // => 'newbaz2'

bubble-gum-tools.slice(target, config) ⇒ Object

It slices a object or an array generating a new object or a new array

Kind: static method of bubble-gum-tools
Returns: Object - slicedObject - New object or new array with sliced values

Param Type Description
target Object | Array Target object or target array
config Array.Object Array with the configuration of the slice
config[].path Array Path to the property to be sliced
config[].newPath Array Path to sets a new value in the slicedObject, if this is not defined, this will have the same value as the config[].path


const slice = require('bubble-gum-tools').slice;

const target = {
  root: { foo: 'bar' },
  arr: [[['baz']]],

const sliced1 = slice(target, [{
  path: ['root', 'foo']
console.log(sliced1); // => { root: { foo: 'bar' } }

const sliced2 = slice(target, [{
  path: ['root', 'foo'],
  newPath: ['bar'],
console.log(sliced2); // => { bar: 'bar' }

const sliced3 = slice(target, [{
  path: ['root', 'foo'],
  newPath: [0],
console.log(sliced3); // => { '0': 'bar' }

const sliced4 = slice(target, [{
  path: ['arr', 0, 0, 0],
  newPath: ['baz'],
}, {
  path: ['root', 'foo'],
  newPath: ['bar'],
console.log(sliced4); // => { baz: 'baz', bar: 'bar' }

actionCallback ⇒ *

Callback at the end of the loop

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
options Object Values in the end of the path
options.indexPath Number Current index in the array path
options.target Object | Array Target object or target array
[options.current] * Current value in target object
[options.key] * Current value in the path
[options.previous] * Previous value in target object


  • Add method to compare objects in depth
  • Add method to clone objects in depth


MIT @ Nicolas Quiceno