Web GIS Application with PostgreSQL and PostGIS

This web application allows users to draw features, collect attributes such as name and district, and perform spatial operations like Buffer, Intersect etc.

Application Screenshot


  • Draw Feature: Users can draw points, lines, or polygons on the map.
  • Attribute Collection: Users can enter attributes (e.g., name, district) for the drawn features.
  • Save to Database: Save the drawn features along with their attributes to PostgreSQL using PostGIS queries.
  • Popup on Selection: Clicking on a drawn feature displays a popup with its attributes.
  • Delete Features: Users can delete selected features from the map.
  • Buffer Operation: Perform buffer operations around selected features.
  • Intersection: Perform intersection queries with other spatial datasets.
  • Export Data: Export spatial data to various formats (e.g., GeoJSON).
  • Manage Database Schema: Add or delete columns in the PostgreSQL database.

Application Screenshot

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (OpenLayers.js for mapping library)
  • Backend: Python (psycopg2, Flask)
  • Database: PostgreSQL with PostGIS
  • GIS Operations: PostGIS for spatial queries and operations


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/92sagarchougule/Web-GIS-Application-with-PostgreSQL-and-PostGIS.git
    cd Web-GIS-Application-with-PostgreSQL-and-PostGIS
  2. Database Setup::

     CREATE DATABASE your_database;
     \c your_database
     CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
  3. Create Table::

     CREATE TABLE your_table_name (
     	geom geometry(Geometry,4326), -- Geometry field using EPSG:4326 (WGS 84)
     	dist VARCHAR(255),             -- District field (adjust size as needed)
     	name VARCHAR(255)              -- Name field (adjust size as needed)
  • Ensure PostgreSQL and PostGIS are installed.
  • Create a new database and enable PostGIS extension:


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Built using Python, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, OpenLayers, and other open-source technologies.


For support, contact


  • Version 1.1: Enhance drawing tools for better user interaction.
  • Version 1.2: Integrate more spatial analysis functions.
  • Version 1.3: Improve UI/UX for easier navigation and data management.



Feel free to send feedback or report issues here