
The multimodal answering system based on RAG.

Primary LanguageVue


A multimodal answering system based on RAG.

System Specifications

  • Machine Type: n1-standard-8
    • vCPUs: 8
    • RAM: 30 GiB
  • GPU: NVIDIA T4 (1 unit)
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS


  • Git LFS
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • CUDA Driver
  • cuDNN

For a hassle-free installation, run the GCP-install-dependencies.sh script to install all required dependencies on a Ubuntu GCP instance.

How to Set Up Models

This project requires .h5 model files to run properly. Follow these steps to set up the models:

  1. Ensure git and git-lfs are installed

    If you don’t have Git LFS installed, you can install it by running:

    git lfs install
  2. Navigate to the backend directory

    Change into the VQAweb/backend directory where the models will be set up:

    cd VQAweb/backend
  3. Clone the VQAmodels repository

    Clone the VQAmodels repository from Hugging Face:

    git clone https://huggingface.co/930727fre/VQAmodels models
  4. Move the .h5 files to the parent directory

    Move the .h5 model files from the models directory to the VQAweb/backend directory:

    mv models/*.h5 .
  5. Remove the empty models directory

    Once the files are moved, remove the now-empty models directory:

    sudo rm -drf models

How to Run the Full Backend

  1. The stable version is located in the main branch.

  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd VQAweb
  3. Modify the file VQAweb/frontend/Present/src/components/Pictureinput.vue:

    Replace localhost in the axios.post line with your <server_IP>.

  4. Run the backend using the following script:


    If you encounter execution issues, make the script executable first:

    chmod +x ./docker_run.sh
  5. Access the application in your browser:

    Visit <server_IP>:8000 in your web browser.

  6. To stop the application:

    Press Ctrl + C in the terminal.


    If Docker images are not successfully deleted, manually modify the docker rmi command in the ./docker_run.sh script to remove them.