
On demand streaming and conversion service for CC: T.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


On demand streaming and conversion service for CC: T.
This project is currently in development and will become the base of YC 2.0 when video streaming is supported.

Current API Endpoints

Image NFT Converter

Endpoint: /api/v1/img/nft
Description: Converts images to NFT format.

Parameter Type Default Description
url string - The URL of the image to convert.
width integer 51 The desired width of the output image.
height integer 19 The desired height of the output image.
dither boolean false Enables dithering for the image.

DFPWM Streaming

Endpoint: /api/v1/audio/dfpwm
Description: Streams audio in DFPWM format.

Parameter Type Default Description
url string - The URL to extract from or an youtube search quarry

PCM U8 WAV Streaming

Endpoint: /api/v1/audio/pcm
Description: Streams audio in PCM U8 WAV format.

Parameter Type Default Description
url string - The URL to extract from or an youtube search quarry

Server requirements

Displaying nft

Example soon™

Example soon™

Audio Clients

Speaker.lua (Integrated in CC: T)

  • Command: speaker play <url> [speaker]


  • Command: austream <url> type=pcm,dataType=signed,streamData=true


  • Command: austream <url> type=dfpwm,streamData=true


  • Status: Coming soon™
  • Status: Maybe Coming soon™

Video Clients

Coming soon™

Public Servers