
图片反ocr识别,搭建比较简单,自己fork项目,然后cloudflare page搭建一个网页即可,上传敏感图片的时候用也不错。

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


to social platforms, but it could be

In the background

Sharing large number of images containing political infomation may got blocked by govt.

To avoid images being blocked, this repo makes sure you can successfully share images in a political censorship machine.

The anti algrithm was copied from anti-ocr.git.

how to run it:

cd Image-Anti-OCR
python3 -m http.server

And then you can open http://localhost:8000/ in your web-browser.

In addition

I'm very sorry for a few bugs in there. Not all images work with it very well.

After executed some of special size of image, this algorithm will make human beings not recognize words from covered images. In that case, you can try to edit js to get it be recognized.