Tezos Sending

This app was built to learn how to use BeaconSDK and other API's that are currently available to send the cryptocurrency (Tezos) to other wallets. It uses Kukaiwallet as a means of logging in and sending to others.

This app uses all custom CSS, written in React.js, and Figma was used for design!


To run the app locally, please install all dependencies with npm i, to start the application you can run npm start

This application uses the Beacon SDK, but more importantly, Kukai Wallet. When logging in, please login with the correct google account that I have provided.

It will open Kukai Wallet in a different tab and prompt you to link the account with the application.

You can then donate Tezos(fake) to six different donations.

When donating Tezos, it will once again need you to confirm that you are indeed sending Tezos on a separate tab with Kukai Wallet opened.

After that, it will check the status of the sent Tezos every 10 seconds and update the status accordingly.