
This is a very minimal desktop application built on the .NET Framework. What it'll do is that it will change some files that are necessary when amateurs(like myself) need to host the laravel applications on the production servers from the local environment.

Laravel-Simple-deploy-version-creator (Tested on Laravel version 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2)

This is a very minimal desktop application built on the .NET Framework. What it'll do is that it will change some files that are necessary when amateurs(like myself) need to host the laravel applications on the production servers from the local environment.


--> How to use

1) Download the files.

2) On the field to enter the directory, enter your project directory in the following format: "C:\all_projects\my_project". Don't Forget that last ''.

3) I guess you know the rest. Just enter the infos you need to change when deploying. And Hit thebutton 'Do it!'.

This application will need .NET Framework 4.0 or above to be installed.

I will be updating this repo after I am done with some refactoring. And yes I will be updating it with more features when I get free time and invite you all to contribute after I upload the source.