
Change terminal colors on the fly

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This is a small tool for changing your terminal colors on the fly. This fork supports reading Xcolor style files.

Most work accomplished by sos4nt who did the original version which had a custom theme format.


Your terminal must support the appropriate OSC escape sequences. xterm and urxvt (rxvt-unicode) work fine, whereas Terminal.app and iTerm won't recognize these sequences.

Make sure dynamicColors is enabled in .Xdefaults/.Xresources

xterm*dynamicColors: true
urxvt*dynamicColors: on

Compatibility Check

This changes your terminal background color to red if your terminal supports OCS:

echo -e "\033]11;#ff0000\007"


  1. Clone the repository into ~/.dynamic-colors:

     git clone https://github.com/sos4nt/dynamic-colors ~/.dynamic-colors
  2. To add the tool to your PATH put the following line in your profile (.bashrc/.zshrc/.profile).

     export PATH="$HOME/.dynamic-colors/bin:$PATH"
  3. If you have a directory where you keep your Xcolor themes, define in in your PATH too (by default they are read from ~/.dynamic-colors/schemes/):

     export DYNAMIC_COLORS_THEMES=~/.custom/xcolors/here/
  4. For autocompletion add this to your profile (.bashrc/.zshrc/.profile). Change .zsh to .bash for bash environments.

     source $HOME/.dynamic-colors/completions/dynamic-colors.zsh


List available color schemes:

dynamic-colors list

Switch to a color scheme:

dynamic-colors switch visibone

Switch to a next/previous scheme:

dynamic-colors next/previous

Reload last color scheme:

dynamic-colors init

Add this line to your profile to always set the last color scheme.


This repository comes with just one Xcolor file for testing purposes.


If you have notify-send-user the script will notify you of the name of the scheme you switched to.

Key binding example for urxvt

Save this to a file named "urxvt-colors" most likely in ~/.urxvt/ext/share/:

sub on_user_command {
    my ($self, $cmd) = @_;

	    if ($cmd eq 'urxvt-colors:next') {
      $self->cmd_parse(`dynamic-colors next`);

	    if ($cmd eq 'urxvt-colors:previous') {
      $self->cmd_parse(`dynamic-colors previous`);

Add this to ~/.Xdefaults:

urxvt*perl-ext-common: urxvt-colors
urxvt*perl-lib: [directoy of urxvt-colors]
urxvt.keysym.M-F11: perl:urxvt-colors:next
urxvt.keysym.M-F12: perl:urxvt-colors:previous

Now you can cycle through all color schemes using Alt+F11/12 for example, without closing running console applications.