note: 1.Moon is a compiler; 2.Inter the interpreter (two versions); 3.MoonIDE integrate them together; 4.workspace: temporary storage of some use Moon programming language source code; 5.mre: the Moon language standard library; 6. Your best java version 1.8 or later; About Moon features: 1. Compile, efficiency, interpretability. Moon first use a parser, analyze the code, and then generate some bytecode, using semantic analyzer for analysis, Inferred from the context, such as whether the variable exists and is legitimate, whether that occurs, the method uses a greedy approach to deal with, By a manager, the generated code is managed, stored in a relatively strange data structure becomes set of codes stored in A function, and finally the function can be interpreted directly to explain, so high efficiency, 2. learnability. Has a wealth of built-in operators, you can also use it as a calculator programmed, 3. The large standard library Our team has developed a number of programming interfaces, do not make your own wheels, you only need to import the standard library file can, of course, You can also use a third-party standard library. Why use Moon? A: Moon is an emerging programming language that combines many of the features of programming languages, Such as: 1.c ++ The call by reference, 2.c language function pointer, 3. Supports the definition of a variable parameter of the function, 4. Support using the import library, Moon has a powerful library, do not you make yourself at the wheel, Let you from identity code farmers. 5. The rich and can be used directly fool programming operators, such as the following this operator. (3.5) aqrt (((0.154 * e) aqrt pi-negative (sqrt (ln (e ^ 3.0) + log (4.5 * pi) + sin (20 ^ 40.0%) * tan (45.0) / arcsin (0.6) - (cos (7.0-80 / 3.0 * e) + arctan 1.0) * + (2.87 + pi) power 3.5 + (sqrt ((ln (arccos (0.4))))%)!))) modulo (log (e pow (PI)))) 6. and using Moon ( or later, supports visual function operation, Selectively perform any function to run when viewing function instruction. 7.Moon but not integrated Moon compiler also integrates Moon interpreter, so you always explain, Conducive to all kinds of farming familiar with programming code as soon as possible, not just the use of language, a deeper understanding of how to program, 8. Functional programming, make the code more readable, s files are typically stored function prototype, also known as the interface, moon files stored specific implementation details. 9. Support multi-file compilation, and so on. 10. also supports file IO, and so on. 11. If you can programmer proficient Moon language to program, then the programmer will soon be able to easily understand other programming languages, java, c ++, c, python, bat like. Welcome to the Moon (! thank you for your support! Although we have just started, But we are a large team! Please contact our CEO: Liu; E-mail 1: E-mail 2: Access Address: